Super Long Jc Imagine

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Hey guys so as promised this I wrote this as a little thank you for 1k views. It's going to be pretty long so be ready for that. I love you guys sooooo much and again thanks for getting me here. Don't forget to vote, comment, add to reading list and all the JAZZ!! Comment if you want a imagines dedicated to you. I love you guys!! <3. -Valer


Your POV:

I was done yelling at my dad. He never listened and we always fought. i ran up to my room and quickly changed into my sunflower crop top with a light knit cardigan. I picked out my black high waisted shorts and i grabbed my yellow vans and pastel orange and blue penny board.

I ran back down stairs and ran out the door slamming it behind me. I started riding my board around the nieghborhood. I forgot to grab my phone but then decided not to go back so I just kept my eyes on the sidewalk ahead of me. I was lost in my thought when I bumped into someone.

Jc's POV:

I decided to take a ride around town on my red and blue penny board. I picked out my pink dolphin shirt, dark washed skinny jeans, black converse and a tribal print snapback. On the way out i grabbed my gold 5s and ran outside.

I had my earphones in my pocket which I grabbed out and put in my ears blasting Main Chick by Kid Ink. I didnt notice anyone was in my way untill I bumped into them. I fell off my penny board and on to the ground and they fell on top of me.

I looked up to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her shimmered with the suns light. Her eyes were the most beautiful shade I have ever seen and she was overall so beautiful. I just smiled and she smiled back at me. Gosh that smile killed me. I could see her blush and I felt my cheeks getting red as well. She got off of me and I helped her up grabbing hold of her hand.

Your POV:

Gosh was he cute. His hair was curly and dyed a little blond at the tips in front. He had amazing brown eyes I could get lost in. He smiled and I returned the smile. I finally got off of him and he helped me up. He grabbed my hand and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Hi, I'm Jc." He said looking deep into my eyes. I was at a loss of words but finally I spoke,

"Hi. My names Y/N." I spoke nervously.

"Wow, what a beautiful name for a gorgeous girl." Jc said blushing a little at what he just said.

"Aww thanks." I say blshing like crazy.

"No problem. Here I think this must be your board. To be honest your the first girl I've seen on a penny board." He said handing me my board and chukling a little at the end of his sentence.

"Ya it is. Thanks I guess." I say laughing a little as well.

"So um I was planning to ride around town abit, wanna join me?" He asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure not like my dad wants me at home anyway." I said looking down at my fingers. He took hold of my hand and lifted up my chin with his free hand. Jc then looked into my eyes with sympathy and asked,

"What do you mean by that?'

"It's a long story." I said.

"I got the time. How about we go back to my house and we can hang out or watch a movie instead of riding around town?" He asked.

"Sure I would like that" I say picking up my board and putting it under my left arm. Jc also picked up his red and blue board and started walking with me in the direction of his house. A couple minutes into the walk his hand brushed against mine untill his hand finally intertwined its fingers with mine. We walked all the way to Jc's house hand-in-hand.

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