Last Imagine (Sorry)

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Hey guys so like said, this will last imagine in this book. *tear tear* but now i can continue with my other stories, which u should check out *wink wink* lol but if you like my imagine book then comment and i might just make more imagine books about maybe O2L or Austin Mahone or Magcon etc. anyway like always vote, add reading list all that JAZZ!! 

love you guys so much and thank you all so much for all the support! Love you guys so freaking much!

~Valer <3


Sorry but this is my last imagine- When You Meet

I was so freaking excited. About 2 months ago I got tickets to see OurSecondLife on tour in my town and here I am today walking to the arena where it will be held. I was walking down the street by myself so I decided to check my phone and text my mom if I could go to taco bell after the event (Random ik but just go with it okay, okay lol) 

I was walking down the street decked out in my O2L gear and phone in hand when I bumped into someone walking. I fell on the floor and when I looked up, my jaw dropped. Connor Damn Franta was standing in front of me, holy god I'm gonna die! 

"OMG I'm so sorry I bumped into you, I wasn't even looking, are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up. I had this big lump in my throt and the only thing I could say was,

"Your Connor Franta." He justed laughed at my reaction.

"Last time I check, yes I was. And I'm guessing you a fan of O2L." he said chukling and pointing to my shirt that said, O2L is my one and only love

"Yeah I am." I said nervously.

"Well you seem really cool, wanna come to our hotel room to hang with us before the show?" He asked.

"YOU KINDING ME- I mean yeah that'd be chill." I say trying to keep cool but not managing to do so. 

"Kay, come follow me. I was just out getting Starbucks so we can catch a cab to the hotel." He stated. I followed behind him as we walked through the streets of Y/C (Your City) We were able to hail a cab. We got in the back and on the way to their hotel we got to know each other a little more. 

We finally arrived after about 10 minutes and we got out. We went up to the 4th floor and went to room 410. 

He pulled out his keys and opened the door. 

"Ladies first." He said pushing the door more letting me pass. I gave him a smile and once I got in the room, everything went silent and everyone looked at me. Connor came into the room after locking the door and introduced me to the guys even though I already knew them all. 

We talked all the way till show time and I rode with them in their limo. We went backstage where they were getting ready and I was sitting in the corner watching them preform. Next was the meet and greet. I was standing next to Jc's booth. 

"So you leave around here?" Jc asked me at he moved from fan to fan. 

"Yeah about 30 minutes away. " I said. To be honest I was dying inside cause Jc was like my fav O2L memeber out of them all.

"Cool" he said.

After the event me hung out a bit more and texted my mom I might be a little late but I didn't tell her why yet. 

Before I had to leave we all exchanged numbers so we could still talk and text each other. I was already in the taxi on my way home. 

__________________ 3 months later __________________

I was standing in the airport waiting for Jc to arrive from Cali. We already went on a couple dates while he was in town before he left for their next stop in their tour. He asked me to be his girlfriend in the airport before their plane and I agreed, we've been dating for about 3 months now and he was coming to visit me.

The people were exiting the gate and walking towards their loved ones waiting for them. I was looking through the crowd to see if Jc was anywhere amoung them. I finally see his curly hair with a bandana wrapped around it. Once he gets more out of the crowd he spots me and drops his bags running towards me. 

He reaches me and wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck. He picks me up and spins me around and them puts me down and looks into my eyes, kissing my lips passionatly. We both pull away and rest our forheads againest each other.

"I've waited so long for that, it felt like forever." He said

"Me too." I said letting my hands hang losely around his neck as they rested on my waist.

 "I love you." 

"I love you too."

The End!

Jc Caylen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now