Imagine for 2K

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Hey guys so I promised an imagine as a thank you for 2k and I decided I will do this for every extra thousand views I get. (Whenever I reach the next thousand basically.) I love you guys soooo much and thank you for 2k again. If you want an imagine dedicated to you hen comment below, your name, and anything else you want to happen in it or additional info like you want it to be at a park for example. Like always vote, add to reading list and all that JAZZ!! I love you guys!! <3 also don't forget to check out my new book which is an Advice book. If you have a situation you need advice with comment on it and I will find a solution or suggestion. If you want to personally contact me text me:
Or contact me on kik: valer_23xoxo

- Valer


Your POV:

I was on my way to school, basically heading towards hell. I walked in finally after my 20 minute walk. Every eye was on me.

I'm not really the "cool" or "popular" girl, if anything I am the opposite. I get bullied and made fun of a lot, I even cut, but obviously no one knows and it's not like anyone would really care. I usually cover my cuts with concealer or wear a long sleeved shirt.

I ignored the stares and went to my locker. I put in my combination, grabbed my books for the next two periods and made my way to class.


I was sitting at the back of the class like always and I was doodling on my notebook when a somewhat familiar face sat down next to me. Jc. I had one of the biggest crushes on him, he was captain of the football team and had amazing brown eyes, gorgeous dark brown hair, and the cutest most whitest smile.

I looked up at him as he down in the seat next to me. I don't talk to him really so I didn't say hi or anything not like he'll like me anyways. He looked up and we both made eye contact but I quickly broke it and looked to the front of the class but I could still feel his eyes on me. I just brushed it off though since I'm used to it.

The teacher finally came in and near the end of class, in the last 5 minutes she announced the partners for an upcoming project we're doing. She started going down the list and reading names.

"Mahogany and Jacob, Cady and Regina, Nash and Cameron, Y/N and Jc..."

(Hahaha see what I did there? sorry not sorry.)



I'm partnered with Jc?! Oh no no no no no NO!! I will be so awkward. Oh. My. God.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned that way, and to my excitement yet disappointment it was Jc. I could barely talk to him.

"Hey, so since we're paired together, I was thinking we can get together at my house so we can brainstorm some ideas on what to do for the project." He said soundly the slightest bit nervous. Why though.

"Um, uhh y-yeah su-sure." I said and then next thing I know is that the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell.


I was walking to Jc's house after I came home and got changed.

I was wearing some light baby blue high-waisted jeans, a white and red pok-a-dot long sleeve semi crop top (only shows about 5cm of skin so not that cropped basically.) and my black high top converse.

After 10 minutes of walking I finally reached the porch of his house, or at least the directions he gave me before school ended.

I took a deep breath and rang the door bell. I waited a second and when I was about to ring it again, Jc came to the door and opened it.

Jc Caylen ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now