29. Merlin's legs

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Authors note: I'm so sorry. I really am. I was sitting here thinking of what to write and then I thought of 'that' and...I'm so sorry. I have a twisted imagination. It's gross and gory. Please don't hate me.

"Christian?" I call out into the darkness only there is no response. 

"CHRISTIAN!?" I yell again as I get up and pace the small clearing, peering out beyond into the darkness of the trees for any sign of movement but there is nothing. No sound. No movement. Nothing.

"This can't be happening." I mutter to myself as my arms and shoulders began to shake. "This can't be real."

I quickly walk back to the shrine and sit in front of the alter, clawing the hard earth as hot tears prick my eyes.

"This can't be happening." I say again as I think back to my house and my family. My home is gone and my brother is gone. Where on earth could he be? A distant howl pierces the night and I shudder as I huddle closer to the small shrine. The shrine, something that once seemed so special and powerful now seems small and useless to me. I wipe a tear with my sleave as I contemplate what I should do next. I knew I probably shouldn't stay in the woods but I was sickened by the thought of leaving while Christian was still somewhere here. The only logical thought that I had was that I had to find Seally. Seally was stronger than Ray and Theo and he knew his way around the woods. He could most definitely find Christain. Only problem: I had no idea where he was. I groaned as I curled my knees into my body and as I sat there I slowly became aware of a small squishing, squelching sound echoing from beyond the trees. There was a squish and then a long dragging sound as if something heavy was being pulled or pushed along the forest floor.

"H-hello?" I whispered into the darkness and the sound stopped, momentarily, before suddenly resuming again. "Is someone there?" The sound was getting louder and louder as it slowly grew closer and closer. I felt my pulse race as I picked up a nearby tree branch, ready to defend myself from any monster that may appear from those trees. What I saw was something I wasn't expecting and that made me panic in a whole different way.

"Y-y/n?" A pained voice called my name as the shadow of a person dragging themselves along the floor appeared through the shadows and as they crawled closer I could see pale skin and long blue hair hanging dead over their face. It was Merlin. He was out of the water.

"Y/n." He called out to me as he dragged himself closer with his arms so he was far enough that his face and upper body were in the light but his tail was still hidden in the shadows.

"I found you." He said happily. "I finally found you." He propped himself up on one arm while he reached out to me with the other. I immediately shied away while still brandishing the tree branch in one hand. I hadn't forgotten what he did to me and, despite his weakened state, I had to remind myself that he was just as dangerous as all the others.

"What-what are you doing out of water?" I asked him as I inched away to cower behind the shrine. I was afraid of him, yes, but not to the point where I wanted to run quite yet. Afterall, it didn't look like he could get to me and if he ever made a move to get closer I could easily outrun him.

"I had to find you." He said, a sad smile gracing his lips. "No matter what it took, I had to find you."

It is then that I notice that the hand he is reaching towards me with is covered in blood and so is his other hand.

"W-who's b-blood?" I stuttered as Merlin put his hand down to try to pull himself closer.

"I had to find you." He repeated as he inched farther into the light. "But I couldn't leave the water because I didn't have legs. So...I decided to make my own."

He finally pulls himself all the way into the light and I immediately clutch my stomach as I begin to violently gag. Merlins tail and has been sawed in half lengthways down the middle so it is now attached to him in two separate bloody pieces with all sorts of blood and muscle tissue spilling from the open wounds.

"I thought it would work." Merlin says, his voice is pained but he sounds somehow proud of himself. "I thought I could make my own legs but when I tried to stand with them it didn't work. They won't stay upright."

"Y-you-h-how-you-" I am left a bumbling mess as my eyes are completely transfixed on Merlin's 'legs'. I can see his insides, the twitching muscles and the clotting blood. How could he still move? How was he still alive? How did he think this was normal? He reaches a bloody hand out to me and he almost touches my foot. I didn't realize how close he was.

"GET AWAY!" I scream as I throw the stick at him and take off running. I can hear his pained voice yelling at me but I am running so fast I can't make out the words. I run until my lungs feel raw and then finally collapse against a fallen tree. The moon above my head seems to cast a spotlight on me that makes me feel naked and vulnerable. I shimmy into the shadows and calm my breathe. I just want to be home. Home with my family. Home with my brother. Where was he? I feel absolutely hopeless as if there is no way out of this and as I sit there, drowning in sorrow and panic, I am startled by a loud howl. I had been hearing it all night but this time it was different. This time it was close. I hold my breath as I shift my body to look past the trees and towards the sound and there, no more than twenty feet away, was Ray standing there in his half wolf form, howling at the moon. 

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