1: Grand-Master

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(Disclaimer: This will have a time skip of 4 years, due to a "training")

Xaniety POV

Black spots covered my vision, as I slowly raised my head, I came face to face with my dear friends Xander and Sam... "Sleep Xa, sleep," Sam soothingly said as my head drooped down to the ground. Shaking my head I looked to where J was to see her staring at me, "J... Give me J!" I shouted, growling towards my two 'friends' who was staying in the UK, "Xa! Calm down," Xander hissed as he slapped my face. I heard little footsteps starting to come towards me, as arms wrapped around me, "Zani?" a shy voice asked. Still, in shock, I said nothing, "Zani... I'm scared," the voice said again, "Zani, please help..." the voice complains. I turn my head towards Xander and let out a deep growl, "You... MADE HE SCARED!" I roared out as I riggled away from Sam and punched Xander, my eyes glowing a sea green colour, from its original midnight blue, I growled as multiple people came from the forest, "STAND DOWN!" a gruff voice shouted, I turned my head to see a hooded figure, aiming a bow and arrow, not towards me, but towards my friends, who put their hands up and moved away from me and J. As they got further and further away, I inched towards J and hugged her, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I allowed you to get sad," I mumbled into her shoulder as she hugged me tightly, "Who are you?" I glared towards the man in the hood, who still had his or her's bow towards my friends, "I am your saviour, be thankful I came here. These are creatures who can change into your favourite person. I would have thought it was your parents," he replied in a sarcastic manner, I looked to the ground, tears growing in my eyes as I growled quietly, "I never knew my dad..." I paused giving a sigh, "I never knew my dad," I said a bit louder, standing up and grabbing J, launching her up onto my shoulders, "My mum favoured my brother, someone called Ere, she always made me do the housework, until I met my friends," I sighed as I looked towards the creatures, "Continue if you want, I won't force it out of you, but you two much come with us, so you can learn," he lowered his bow as two others grabbed them and threw them in cages, I walked over to the man and follow him, "So what's your name?" I asked, trying to be polite, "I can't call you 'Hood guy', now can I," "No one knows my real name, and no one ever will," he paused for a bit before muttering "Maybe you will..." under his breath, but I heard him, "So what do they call you?" I asked with curiosity in my voice, he stopped and turned to me, his hood covering the top half of his face as he moved closer, letting me see his shining emerald eyes, "The Grand-Master, at your service, my fair lady," he bowed as I stared and blinked, "So... Can we call you GM?" J asked as she climbed down off me, walking towards the man, who also blinked. Slowly he knelt down to face her and smiled, I heard gasps of shock, "What?" I asked while looking very confused, "He barely ever laughs...!" Someone claimed, I looked around and saw everyone else in shock, when I heard a chuckle, "I broke my rule because of a little child, of cause you and your friend can call me GM. No one else!" he commanded as the 'army' bowed and all said in sync 'Yes sire' We continued to walk until we got to a campsite, where GM lead us to his main tent, "You'll be staying here until we can get you your own tent, and you WILL train to become an assassin, am I clear?" he asked as I reluctantly nodded, "What about J? You will give her time until she is around 14 or 15 right?" I asked, glancing towards J, who was fidgeting then glancing back to GM to see him nod, "Of course, I'm not that harsh!" he smirked. I nodded as it began to get night time.

-------------------Time Skip----------------------

/Location: Skykin, 4 1/2 years later/

I was in my tent with J when we heard the horn blare, grabbing out bows and arrows, GM almost forced us to use guns... Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Stupid brain. We rushed out into the campsite to see the same monsters, I growled as I readied my boy and fired at 'Sam' while J fired at 'Xander'. You see in the past 4 and a half years, me and J got trained personally by GM, in archery.  Of course, J only got trained for 2 and a half years, but she's still a pro. When we were about to back to our tent, Samantha came up to us, "Lady Zani, Madam Jos, The Grand-Master wished to see you," we both nod as we walked towards his tent. As we got used to the camp, we both got given titles, me lady and J Ma'am or Madam. I took a deep breath and let it out shakily, as GM continued to explain, "You are being sent to the USA to get on S.H.I.E.L.D's radar, I'm pretty sure you two already are, but do it anyway. If you do I might just tell you my name," he claimed while smirking, the light reflected off his dull emerald eyes, "Yes si-" "Of course GM!" J yelled giving a two finger salute, blocking me from talking. Glaring at her, she pouted at me, "Awww 'mom'!" she crossed her arms pouting even more. "Of course we would love to do this sire," I mocked bowed as I picked J up from her feet and 'dragged her' "HEY!" She shouted at me but I began to laugh. Everyone stopped doing what they normally do, get food and all of that stuff just to stare at the 22-year-old and 16 years old, when we first met she was 11 and a bit, she saw me as her mom after that. I still remember the first day she called me mom. We were in our tent as I was reading a book when I heard whimpers, I looked to the bed beside me and saw she was crying. I got into bed with her and hugged her, hearing a small "Goodnight mum," before drifting off to sleep. "DARK SHADOW (me), RAVEN! (J) GET READY TO GO TO NEW YORK!" I heard GM say as we rushed to get packed and ready to go. When we got to the ship, we waved and saluted to the camp and began to talk about what we should do there, we got a list of people we need to assasinate, most of them out from S.H.I.E.L.D or the Avengers. Stupid name for a group of people I know right! "Who should we go for first?" J asked me as I was thinking, Steve Rogers would be easiest, as he's an early riser, I rise quite early. Tony Stark, could meet in a bar. Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, a bit more harder. Finally Bruce Banner, the hulk scientist. All of them living in the Avenger's tower. "I think we shoulder go for Steve first, then Tony and see if we do anyone else in a day..." I trailed off as I already saw a S.H.I.E.L.D plane over head of us. I looked towards J, in sync we both swore.



Ahem... I sadly do not own Marvel, Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. I am pretty sure Nick Fury owns S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.

I had fun writing this. Sorry if it's confusing in some places of the chapter. Like last one if you want me to continue please say so! :D

I only own the story, Skykin and OC (Anyone who you don't know the name of...)

Xaniety Alexandera (discontinued possibly)Where stories live. Discover now