2: S.H.I.E.L.D

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(A/N Still in Zani POV, it will be unless I say so.)

As the jet flew over us, we both swore, "SHIT!" I took a glance into the window, from under my hood and saw a red-haired lady looking towards us, I tapped J and lightly pointed towards the jet, and she nodded, we both stood up, wobbling a little bit, as we cupped our hands to out face and screamed "HELP!" At the top of our lungs, after we shouted we were breathing heavily, hearing two water splashes and a wirr of a jet, "Ma'ams are you ok?" a calming voice asked, as we saw Captain America and Hawkeye standing there, with Ironman in the background. We both nodded as we continued to wobble, struggling to stand, "Careful!" Clint shouted as we started to stumble, "P...Please help us...." J stuttered, fake tears forming in her eyes, as I silently let tears out. I struggled not to smirk, "Natasha! Get the jet down here," Steve shouted into his comm, as Tony picked J up and Steve gently picked me up as my eyes slowly fluttered closed all the sounds drifted away from my ears, "Quickly!" the words got quieter and quieter as I fell asleep...

Tony POV

As I was carrying the younger woman with me in my shoulders, I heard her shouted, "ZANI!" I quickly stopped, looking back to see the older woman flopped over Steve's arms. Her hood fell gently down her head as her glowing pale skin stuck out from her noir black hair flowing in the wind, small specks of dark blue scattered in around her hair and face, her luscious pink lips.

//PIC UP TOP! ^//

I speed off to the jet and place the small woman there, "Stay here ok, I'll get her for you," I commanded while zooming down to pick her up with Capsicle on my tail. As we both got to the jet I place the girl on the seat next to the other girl. "Z...Zani..." the younger girl muttered as I looked towards them with concern, "Ma'am," Cap started, "What are your names?" he asked as she looked up, "I'm J and she's Xaniety or Zani for short." Sh- J replied with a timid (Shy) tone, "Uhh... Thank you for helping us. We really appreciate it," rubbing her neck she stated, as we all nodded starting our journey back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier.

-------------------Time Skip-------------

/Location: S.H.I.E.L.D, Time: 5:09 pm (2 hours after Avengers picked them up)

Xaniety POV:

As my eyes fluttered open, slowly as a white gleaming light blasted into my face. Slowly opening my eyes I came face to face with a white ceiling, my eyes quickly darting around the room as I saw J sitting on the left of me. I raised my hand and started to stroke her dark purple hair as her eyes bolted open, my dark blue eyes met with hazel, I smiled "Hey J," she screamed and crushed me in a hug. I gently punched her back as I struggled to breathe, "C-CAN'T B-BREATHE!" I coughed out as she let go, "S...sorry!" she yelled in shock, I noticed someone in the doorway and turned to him, "Tony Stark," I whispered, quiet enough so J could only hear me, she nodded slightly, "Are you alright miss?" He asked in his normal 'I'm better than you' tone. I nodded while climbing out of bed, only to have hands push me back down, "Tch! Stay down, you had quite the act (?)" he stated I sighed as I fell onto the bed, "No food or water for 2 days. Are you an idiot?" He hissed out to me as my wyes widened as well as J's. A slap could be heard throughout the room as J's hand touched with my cheek "YOU IDIOT!" She shouted tears pouring down her face. I looked at her shocked, as my hand hesitantly rubbed against my cheek, looking down I mumbled, "I'm sorry..." she growled an unhumanly sound, which echoed throughout the building. I then looked up to see a more shocked Tony's face, biting my lip, I tried not to laugh, key word tried. I burst out laughing, which J joined in, to see a glare from Tony. We stopped for a bit then we laughed even more. "HAHAHA, YOUR FACE!" I shouted, in-between my laughter. I heard a cough from the doorway, to swiftly turn and get into a fighting position, only to notice Steve, "It's breakfast." He stated, in a monotone, "We could hear you from 5 levels up," walking away we and J looked at each other and nodded. We started to leave, as Tony grabbed my arm, I hissed out in pain "Where are you going?" Stated, coldly, by Tony as he gripped my arm tighter, "We are taking the stairs, thank you," I growled kicking him down below.

As I and J started to run up the first set of stairs, in a quiet tone, we heard stomps behind us. I started to sprint up the stairs, to get to the living room floor, to see everyone stare at me, with their weapons ready. J came into the room, she cheerfully said, "Heya guys! Thanks for saving us again," I did my lopsided grin as everyone sighed. "Good to see you up and running," a kind voice said, "Thank you," I replied back as everyone surrounded us, "We know one of your names, what is yours?" Black Widow or Natasha asked me. "Hi there, my name is Xaniety or Zani for short. People against me call me bitch or Devil. Nice to meet you!" I fake cheer said as I caught a glimpse of Tony. "H..How... C-Could you... S...SPRINT!" He puffed out. I looked towards J and groaned as she gave me the 'Are you kidding' look. I sighed and nodded as she gasped and playfully punched me. Everyone was looking at us by now as we started to playfully fight, they ended up pulling us away from each other when the all mighty Nick Fucking Fury came in. My breath hitched as I became nervous, as we knew each other in some way... We sort of met each other... A few years ago. I started to stare into space as I went into a flashback.

//Flash Back 2 years ago//

-Location: Unknown, time: Unknown-

Fury POV

As I was walking through the SHIELD base and started to exit the room I was in, the door shut on my face. I rubbed my nose as a loud groan exited my voice box, "STARK!" I shouted knocking on the door, my fists clenched as I started to knock louder, which slowly turned into a bang. I looked around the room until I noticed an extra shadow in the corner of the room, I whipped out my gun, as the person whipped out a bow? "Who are you?" I asked aiming for him or her, they laughed, stepping out of the shadow, it was a girl, about 16-17. I sighed, as she stated her name "Hello Nick Fury, I am Dark Shadow-" I got into a defensive posture, whoever knows me is dangerous. Dark Shadow was known as the most dangerous assassin to live, maybe a bit after The Winter Soldier, trying to hide my fear. "Yes I've heard of you, what do you want?" I asked, my voice a little shakey, cursing underneath my breath, I heard some movement, as I trailed my gun on her hand. She reached for her hood as she dropped it. My eyes widening as I took a deeper look at her face. Getting all the courage I could muster up I said her name.



Heya guys! How do you like this chapter? By the way guys, how do you think Nick and Xaniety should know each other? Options are:

-Past friend


-Long lost Father

Or -A really old cousin, who got lost.

One of those will do. If no one votes/comments then I will pick. If or when I finish this, I will add different chapters to the different options.

I hoped you like this chapter, I also won't be able to update as much. I uhh... Just started GCSE ish?

Lots of wishes,


Xaniety Alexandera (discontinued possibly)Where stories live. Discover now