5: What just happened?

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3rd person

/Location: Tower, Time: 8pm/

Tony and Bruce stood there, with their mouths wide open, eyes 'bulging' out of his sockets, Steve stood there, frozen over saluting to the open air where Nick Fury just stood, as Nick was seen walking out. Thor dropped his poptarts (XD Ik Ik... I'm gonna add it in.) onto the floor while Natasha and Clint sat on separate seats, tensed. The first one to break out of the shock, of seeing Fury all cheery and happy, was none other than Stark, he muttered under his breath, "Drama Queen..." Natasha shook her head, her red hair scattered around the place as she stood up and slapped Clint, "That was.... unexpected," she said, in a monotone voice.

"Man of Iron, is Fury normally like this?" Thor asks as he picked up his poptarts, throwing them in the bin with a dreadful look on his face, "He isn't Thor... He really isn't," Bruce replied, everyone but Steve was sat down as Steve claimed he needed to sleep over this.


As the guards dragged me to an interrogation room, I growled "Why no take Xaniety as well... Without your 'Commander' knowing?" the two behind me stopped and looked at each other while nodding and went to grab Xani when Fury came in. "What are you doing?" he snapped at the two guards, everyone flinched a bit, "Sir she is also wanted, we need to question her," Gaurd 1 stated as I was pushed into a chair, in a grey room. I looked around and saw a wall, with a different colour about 1/4 of the way up. 'One-way glass?' I questioned myself, the door opened for Nick Fury to come in the Xaniety over his shoulders, I saw his lips moving a bit. I knew he was grumbling under his breath. I sighed, as he came over to me. Place Xani down lightly. "Hello," he stated coldly. A shiver went down my spine, "I'm Nick Fury. I will be asking YOU questions." I nodded stiffly as he sat down, "What is your name?" he asked me as I bit my lip, "Josephina Alexandera," he hissed, I looked down at the floor. Not meeting his eye, "What's your real last name?" he asked me again as I hesitantly looked up, "My last name is Skykin," his straight face turned into a smile, "Where were you for 4 years?" he asked. I looked at Xani and replied, "We were off the coast, on an island, which we called 'Kin'. I and Xani were the only survivors of the plane crash," I answered honestly. "Do you know anything to do with the assassin 'Raven'? After all, she has the same hair colour as you," his smile turned into a sadistic smirk, as my eyes widened, not helping me. "W-w-wait! I was on an Island. OF COURSE, I don't know!" I yelled at him as agents came in. I struggled, trying to get out of their grasp, doing so I ran down the hallway back into the living room and looked for a way out. 'Window, window any window!' I shouted at myself. I shook my head as I got ready to jump. When an arm slithered around my waist. I stiffened as my head turned. "Jose..." a familiar voice said. I groaned, I saw Xani standing in the doorway, while Natasha had her arm around my waist. "What are you doing?" Xani asked as she looked up from her nails, her eyes filled with hatred, I flinched, "W-Why is your eyes filled... With H-Hatred to me?" I asked stuttering as she came over to me with strides. I was stood next to the window. Handcuffed arms as I struggled out of Natasha's grip, only to be pinned, a knee jabbed into my spine. I let out a short scream.

Xaniety POV

This isn't me... I was sleeping... I could only see darkness. My eyes hurt... Darkness turned to red... My eyes felt numb... My arms, legs... I wasn't controlling them. I saw a mirror... I looked into it to see a demon... I tried to scream... My voice? I screamed... Cried... Wished... and more... I heard a scream... Jose? I don't know why... But even if this isn't me... Hurting people, I love... I like it, I FEED off it...'

I frowned at her short scream. I leant down and whispered in her ear, "Scream for me... Dearest." I sadistically smile as I was about to break her arm when a ringing sound entered my ears... "Good night..." a gruff voice claimed. As I went into my dream again of my father.

Xaniety Alexandera (discontinued possibly)Where stories live. Discover now