6: On the Island.

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3rd POV

/Location: Skykin, time: 2 years before they were saved/

It was nighttime, the moon radiated his (A/N The moon has no gender Ik...) light on the floor or the forest, sending some vision to the two people whose footsteps couldn't be heard, even if they were standing on leaves and twigs. The only noises you could hear was the whistle of the wind, blowing through the leaves. Some howls from wolves. The two people continued to walk through the forest, with silent feet as the leader put her hand up. Silently saying 'Stop'. The other did so. The leader nodded her head towards the opening where they saw a bleeding wolf, with two others around it. She put her bow down and motioned for the younger one to stay where she is.

The older girl, slowly moved towards the wolves, as one of the wolves ears twitched, she stopped and knelt down, showing her submission. The wolf growled, "I am sorry." she calmly stated as she hesitantly moved forward closer as the wolf growled deeper. The silent night was now filled with growls and quiet footsteps. The wolf growled again, a gruff voice appeared in the girls head. 'What do you want, you want to hurt us?' she stopped and looked around trying to find where the voice came from when she shrugged and moved forward to hear the voice again 'DON'T COME CLOSER!' the wolf barked. "I am under your ranks. I do not wish to harm you," the other girl slowly crept out of the forest, holding her bow. The other wolf on the floor started to whimper, turning all attention to her.

??? POV

I swiftly moved to the hurt wolf, not noticing the growls, and checked her over, I looked at her head to see blood dripping from her eyelid, an arrow in her front left leg. I sighed and gently placed my hand on her leg. I quickly pulled the arrow out, pushing pressure on the wound, a snarl could be heard, I turned around to see a wolf protecting me and a wolf trying to fight me. I sighed and bandaged up the leg, and picked the wolf up.

"C'mon, let's go... I can help your alpha," I stated, getting weird looks from the wolves and Raven. 'How...?' a girl's voice appeared in my head, I shook it off as I grabbed my bow, placing it on my back, motioning for Raven to follow. We slowly made our way back to our tents. Our footsteps as silent as normal, while padding of paws could be heard.

As we reached near our camp, shouts of orders could be heard, "-FIND THEM!" GM commanded as we stepped into the camp, bows and guns got pulled on the wolves. I stepped in front of them, and snarled, "No one, will harm them." I coldly stated, walking to my tent. Leaving Raven to stand at the entrance, looking shocked.

Raven POV

As I watched my leader go into her tent, I walked towards GM and saluted, "Sir, Leader Shadow found a hurting wolf, and seemed to be contacting in some way with them," I reported, as he seemed to grunt, muttering "She seems to have that talent..." I looked confused until he looked up, my face turned back into a straight face. "Thank you, Raven, head back to your shared tent, and keep an eye on those wolves. It seems we have 3 pack wolves, their pack will come searching for them. We don't want to worry about fighting their alpha," he stated going back to some paperwork, "Sir-" "What did I say?" he cut me off as I saluted again and stomped over to Shadow's tent and opened it to see the wolves around her bed, as she sat on it with the hurt wolf curled around her. Shadow was in her assassin outfit, which was the only different one here. Her hood was a midnight purple, with black hinges, a small shoulder cape as it turns into a trench coat, which hides her weapons. I never get to see her face anymore. She's cold to everyone like something happened over the past few years. I sighed as I stepped towards her, only to get growls and snarls from the wolves. She sighed, "Guys, she's my cadet," the wolves stopped and looked towards Shadow, and whined, "I know. I know your hungry aren't you?" she asked as the wolves nodded, and wagged their tails, "Ma'am," I said widening my feet, putting my left arm behind my back and my right arm over my heart. She looked towards me, "What is it?" she asked, sending an imaginary glare. I flinched, "I have been ordered to watch the wolves, from GM," I stated, staying in my position as she stood up, with the two wolves, following her, "You will not! I OVERRIDE his command!" she yelled towards me, I hesitantly nodded, her eyes flashed an electric blue colour, from her usual midnight blue colour. I tried not to flinch but failed. "Good, now move and leave my tent. Join a new one. You are no longer my cadet," she snapped as she left me, the wolves growling at me, leading me out. I gulped as I stood outside of my old tent, seeing Ma'am walk away from me. With the two wolves following her.

??? POV

As I was lead on my master's bed, I heard a rustle of the door, not opening my eyes, I stayed still until I felt hands touch me. Master never touches me. I growled towards the new person inside of the tent, smelling around. Her... 'Master!' I yelled in her head, as she replied 'What?' I sniffed more, I looked towards the girl in the tent and stood up, slowly getting off the bed and growled at the girl, 'Your "cadet" is here, I have her trapped in a corner. Sorry for stepping on my leg,' I apologised as she came bursting in, picking me up and placing my back on the bed with my beta while my Delta is helping master.

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