7: Human or Wolf

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Xaniety POV:

As I walked through the camp, my wolves following me growling at anyone who glared or stared towards me. I sighed, 'Why can't we just accept them?' I questioned myself as I was walking to get some food. Just as I got to the eating camp a voice appeared in my head, a voice of tremor 'Master!' the alpha called, I stopped, the wolves continued for a bit until they noticed and looked at me as I growled 'What?' I could hear the stiffen as she continued 'your "cadet" is here, I trapped her in the corner. Sorry for standing on my leg' as she finished the word cadet, I swiftly turned and rushed off to my tent, to see Raven there, in the corner with alpha growling at her. I picked alpha up as I watched the beta and delta go to see her.

3rd person

Xaniety turned towards Raven as she grabbed her by the neck, "I told you to leave!" she snarled, Raven's eyes filled with fear, as she struggled against her grip. "I-I was c-c-commanded!" Raven shouted back as Xaniety's grip tightened, Raven's neck hand a hand mark on it as she was thrown out of the tent. A group of people stood around, seeing the scene in front of them. They gasped as they saw their youngest member cough out, taking heavy breaths as Raven scruffled back when Xaniety came out. Some people swore they saw wolf ears and a tail, but when they blinked it wasn't there anymore, "Don't EVER come back in here, or in a 5 metre radius of my tent, or it will be worst then what I just did," Xaniety snarled to her 'daughter' as everyone came to know her as that. This surprised everyone. A deep gruff sigh could be heard as the GM came and helped Raven up, "I'm sorry my dear," he claimed as tears filled Raven's eyes as she hugged him, "Shhhh... We'll fix Shadow, I promise," he stated, a gleam of hatred flashed through his eyes. He smirked, 'The one person, who can defeat human's or wolves is in my hands, let's fix her up... Shall we,' he laughed to himself as he held Raven tightly.

/Location: Tower, time: when Xaniety got knocked out/

3rd person

Everyone stared at the knocked out girl on the floor, as Jos started to crawl to the window when Natasha pick her up, "You're staying here," Natasha said, pushing her towards the elevator, with the Avengers following her, Jos kept struggling against the assassin's hold, as they walked through the bland hallways, Jose gulped as she saw all the villains they have caught. "N-No! P-P-please, I can't do this," Jose stammered out, moving backwards. The Avengers groaned, "Get in a cell, idiot," Tony mumbled as he harshly pushed her into the free cell, leaving Jose on the floor, tears falling out of her eyes. "GET ME XANIETY!" She shouted, just as everyone left. When they walked back into the room, they saw Xaniety on the couch with a note near her, it read:

"Dear Avengers,

Please look after Xaniety for me, I will check up on her once or twice a week if you need help call Coulson or Agent Hill. Ask her questions if need be, but be kind about it. IF and IF you really need to interrogate her, you have my permission, but no torture.


Tony read out, as he looked up, everyone nodded in aproval and understanding as they started to go off to bed.

Xaniety POV

/Dream state/

I was in my father's arms yet again, just before he left. In my baby's room. I always hated that room. The colour made me puke. It was a baby pink (A/N Sorry for those who love pink!) with a grey floor, a white ceiling, my cot was pink as well, a pink blanket and pick toys, while my brother had whatever colour he wanted. I saw my dad look over to me with sad eyes, "I'm sure you'd understand my sweet," he kissed my head as he began to leave, I wailed. he hesitantly shut the door, as I continued to wail, getting louder and louder. I barely heard the footsteps or the murmuring of voices until 'mother' slapped me, I held my hand up to my face to rub it, "TAKE HER WITH YOU!" She shouted, to my dad I think, I saw him rub the back of his neck, "I can't and you know that" he said shyly as he looked over to me with sorrow, "I said, take her with you!" mum yelled again, making me start crying. She hissed towards me, making me stop. "I can't. I have a government job, she'll die," he reasoned with her as she sighed, "Fine, but give me some money..." she held out her hand, as 'dad' hesitantly gave some money over, "Goodbye my Fury. I'll see you soon," was the last thing he ever said to me as his shadow left to room.

Xaniety POV


My eyes fluttered open to pitch black, my head felt like I got hit by a truck, as I stumbled to stand up. Using a torch I keep with me, I made my way to the kitchen the best I could and grabbed some food, as I was walking back to my seat, I heard different footsteps. Stopping suddenly, I almost lost my food... I look around to see a shadow in the corner of the room, a boy figure. I snarled, "Who is it?" they stepped out of the shadow, to show Tony Stark. I hissed quietly, "So... Fury wants us to treat you special, I wonder why," he asked himself as he moved towards me. I placed my food and drink down as I stood there leaning on the wall. "I dunno, ask him," I replied in a monotone, I use when talking strangers. I heard another pair of footsteps, but I doubt Stark did, the light suddenly flicker on, I covered my eyes, as did stark only to hear a voice.

"Stark, Fury told us to keep her well, only question if need be, remember!"

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