Chapter Two

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December 25, 1962

I woke up from a deep sleep to John jumping up and down on our bed in excitement. "It's Christmas, Win, It's Christmas," John squealed. I grinned. I loved seeing John like this. A happy, carefree, little boy again.

"I'll be there in a few, love," I said groggyily. John grinned and bounded to the living area of our small flat. I smiled and put on a robe over my nightgown. I looked at the clock. 12:01. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

I walked to the living room to find John jumping up and down in his seat on our couch. I went to our tree and so did he. John picked up my present and I picked up his.

We sat back down on the sofa and exchanged gifts. "Open mine first," I said, quietly. John grinned and tore open the wrapping paper. I grinned as he gasped and took out his present. "Windy," John squealed. I laughed. It was the tickets to the movie we had saw on our first date.

It was the movie Gone with the Wind. It was funny that John was able to sit through a three hour movie without getting antsy. I think he was into it. I could have swore I saw tears brimming in his eyes when Bonnie died.

I had found them looking through our old stuff and thought this would make a perfect preset. John hugged me tight and said, "I love you so much." I kissed his cheek and replied, "I love you more, Johnny."John watched me open my present. I felt it in my hands and looked at it. I gasped. It was a beautiful diamond ring. John grinned and held my hand.

"Windy Corinne Starkey," John started. "I've loved you for about two years now, and I think it's time to tell you that I want to spend every moment of every day in your arms. " I felt sick. "I love so much and I can't think of anyone else who is more perfect than you," John continued. "So, with that being said, will you marry me?"

I looked at John with sad eyes. "I love you, John," I started. "But, I just don't think we're ready for this sort of commitment." John stared at me for a minute. "Who is it," John asked, darkly. "What," I asked. "I said who the bloody 'ell is it," John shouted, jumping up. "N-no one, John," I stuttered. "Lie," John spat.

John narrowed his eyes. "How long has this been going on, Windy," John growled. I got up and put my hand on John's shoulder. "John-" I started. John pushed me against the wall. "Do you really want to leave me," John hissed. I started to say something but John hit me before I could continue. It stung. "I dare you to leave me, Windy," John growled. I shook my head and placed my hand on his cheek.

"I love you, John," I whispered. "And only you." John's face softened. "Promise," He whimpered. I nodded. He let me lead him to our bedroom and I got him in our bed. I sat on the edge and smoothed his auburn hair away from his forehead.

"Windy," John asked, almost asleep. "Hmm," I replied. "You're not leaving me," He said. It was meant as a statement more than a question. I gave him a fake smile. John grumbled and turned over, asleep.

I sighed, walking back to the living room. I clicked in the numbers and phoned Richard. After a few rings, Richard picked up. "It's one in the morning, what the bloody 'ell do you want," Richard's voice said, pissed off. "Richard," I whimpered. "Win," He asked, concerned.

"Please pick me up," I whispered.  "I'll be right there," My brother's voice rushed. I put down the phone. And sure enough, in five minutes, Richard's car pulled up. I pulled along the suit case I had packed with a week's worth of clothes.

I ran to the bedroom and made sure John was still sleeping. I ran to the door and didn't look back. I jumped in Richard's vehicle and he sped away to his flat.

Will I Still Need You? (Part 1 in the Needing You series)Where stories live. Discover now