Chapter Nine

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August 16, 1963

I was still at Richard and George's house. Richard didn't trust me anymore. I was worse off then before I was kidnapped. Alex had put me through a lot of things twenty year olds should not have to to through.

It mentally messed me up. I was scared about going out of the house. I had found ways to harm myself, if it wasn't rubbing my fingernail across my wrist, it was making myself throw up. I thought I deserved it.

George was trying to take care of me the best he could, but he just couldn't do it. I needed John. I called John when George and Richard were out.

The phone rang for three rings then John picked up. "Hello," John's voice said into the receiver. "John, it's Windy," I said. "Yes," He said. "John, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, I miss you and I want you back," I cried. John scoffed.

"Wow, Windy," John spat. "You actually think after all the pain you caused me, I'm actually going to take you back?!" I stayed silent. "Windy, I'm done with you," John said. "I've found a wonderful girlfriend named Cynthia who treats me so much better than you ever did!" "But, J-" I started.

"Shut up," John said. "Windy, I'm finished with you." I felt tears coming. "Good bye," He said. "Oh," John added. "And I hate you." And with that, he hung up. I drop the phone and it fell to the floor. I stared at the wall.

I felt tears going down my face. I just dropped to the floor. I scooted to the wall and buried my face in my knees.

Three months later

By then, I was officially depressed. I didn't eat. I barely slept. I cried 24/7. All I did was face the wall all day and sob.

My brother was really getting worried. He and George were really keeping an eye on my again. I didn't blame them.

Ringo's point of view on this

My sister was sick. I couldn't deny it. It was very close to Thanksgiving and I was inviting the rest of us over.

I called down my sister to inform her. "Windy," I yelled from downstairs. In a few seconds, my sister slowly walked down the stairs. She was a walking skeleton. She was wearing a long sleeve black sweatshirt that clung to her underweight body. She wore some black pajama pants on her thin legs. That's all she wore back in those days. Her ribs were showing and her backbone protruded from her skin.

"Yes," Windy asked, her voice scratchy from all her crying. "Hon, John, Cyn, and Paul are coming for Thanksgiving dinner," I said, patting a place on our couch. Windy walked over and sat on the couch. "Do I have to go," She rasped.

"Yes, Windy," I said. Windy sighed and pulled her thin legs on the couch. "You're going to have to face him one way or another, Win," I said matter of factly. Windy whimpered and nuzzled her face into my shoulder.

I pulled her into my arms and held her. She started sobbing. "What is life worth living, Richard," Windy sobbed. I pulled her onto my lap and rocked her back and forth. Windy clutched onto me and cried into my chest.

It was hard seeing my sister like this. My baby sister. My pride and joy who I cared for, more than anybody. John hurt her so bad, it wasn't even possible.

Windy had always been so strong. I admired her for that. Even the times when John would almost kill her by beating her so much, she wouldn't shed a tear. But, seeing her break down in my arms like a child, was unreal.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice someone knocking on the door. I didn't want to let go of Windy, so I just picked her up and carried her to the door, just to answer it and put Windy to bed.

I walked to the door and opened it. John stood in the doorway with Cynthia. I froze. Windy was apparently asleep as her sobbing ceased. George walked up and whispered, "I'll take her."

I nodded and carefully gave my sister to George. George slowly carried Windy to her room. "What was that all about," John scoffed. "Shut up, Lennon," I spat. John rolled his eyes and pushed through the doorway.

John pulled Cynthia along and flopped on the couch, pulling Cyn onto his lap. I seethed with anger watching him play with her hair. I didn't notice I was gritting my teeth till George placed a large, callused hand on my shoulder.

George raised an eyebrow and nodded. I sighed, walking to sit on the loveseat. I glared at John. He just invited himself and his girlfriend over here without asking. "What's up with you, Starkey," John asked nonchalantly. My hands turned into fist.

George noticed and grabbed my hand. I gave him a weak smile. John noticed this and smirked. "Ringo's turning queer on us, ay, Georgie," He smirked. I almost killed him right then and there.

George sensed this and pulled me up and dragged me to my sister's room. "He's pushing it, George," I hissed. George sighed. "I know, Rich," George said. I felt a small hand on my shoulder.

I turned round and saw my sister. I gave her a faint smile. George pulled her into his arms. "Okay, guys," George declared. "We're going out there and facing John." Windy froze.

"George," I warned. "Shut up, Ringo," George said, bluntly. I backed off, surprised at the youngest Beatle's boost of authority. George grabbed both of our arms and escorted us to the living room.

Will I Still Need You? (Part 1 in the Needing You series)Where stories live. Discover now