Chapter Five

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George stood in the shower. His broad shoulders pushed out. Water ran down his long legs. His chest was a perfect contrast of muscular and slim. His callused hands were getting his hair wet. He didn't seem to notice me.

I just now noticed how beautiful George Harrison really was. On the outside and the inside. Yes, he was named the quiet Beatle, but he was far from it. Once you really got to know him, he was very far from quiet. But, he was sweet, thoughtful, and very funny.

I walked into the shower/bathtub and got in front of George. I wet my hair and grabbed some shampoo, but George snatched it out of my hand. "I'll do that," He said, smirking.

George put some on his hands and started rubbing it into my hair. I closed my eyes. I leaned my head against George's chest. George moaned and started kissing my exposed neck.

I moaned and turned around, looking at George. George looked at me with love in his eyes. "I-I need you, Windy," He whispered. I looked at him. George leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

I closed my eyes and kissed back. I put my arms around George's neck and he put his arms around my waist. George pushed me against the shower wall and kissed me harder. He slipped his tongue across my bottom lip, demanding entrance.

When I denied, George fought for it. I finally granted him entrance and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I moaned at this feeling and George smirked into the kiss.

George removed his lips from my lips and placed them on my neck, gently sucking I moaned and George picked me up. I wrapped my legs round his waist.

An hour later

George and I lay on my bed. I held George to me as the only sound of heavy breathing filled the room. "I love you, you know that, don't you," George panted. "I love you," I whispered softly, stroking George's soft, black hair.

George moaned and kissed me softly. I kissed back weakly and fell into his arms. George grinned slightly, his fanged teeth showing. I gave him a loving smile and he c losed his eyes and fell asleep. I looked at my lover, stroking his cheek. I held him in my arms and thought about our love making.

It was beautiful. George was so gentle and made sure I was alright before going to each step. He was so much more gentle than John. George really showed me how to actually love somebody.

The way he kissed my body was so amazing. George told me he loved me every chance he could. I never knew that something like this could turn out so beautiful. John was the only man who I had ever made love to. 

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice the front door opening. I snuggled into George's body. I heard my brother calling for George. I shoved him awake. "Get up," I whispered.

"I'm up, mum," George grumbled. I rolled my eyes. "My brother is back," I whispered. "Oh, shite," George muttered. He jumped out of the bed and jerked his clothes on.

"George, get your lazy arse out here and help me unload the damn groceries," Richard shouted. George flew out the door. I giggled. He came back and leaned his head inside the doorway. "I'll be back," George whispered, wiggling his eyebrows. I threw a pillow at him, laughing.

A week later

George and Richard and the other lads had gone to the studio to do some recording. I was extremely bored out of my mind. I walked to the kitchen to get some leftover pizza. I had began eating correctly again and was eating junk food. Yum.

I heated up the pizza and flopped on the couch. I turned on the tv to the news channel. "Beatle John Lennon has been seen with a new girl on his arm," A female reporter quickly said. "Sources say this woman is Lennon's girlfriend, Cynthia Powell, and is pregnant with the Beatle's first child."

I choked. John? Girlfriend? Child? This couldn't be true! I ran to the phone and phoned Richard at the studio. "Hello," A voice said. "John," I whispered. "Windy," John asked.

I started sobbing. "What's wrong," John asked, concerned. "You and that blonde bimbo," I screamed. "Oh, Cyn," John asked. "Yes, that one," I shouted. "Oh, Cyn's just a friend I met in art school, love, we had a short relationship, but we just didn't work out, why," John asked.

"Because I miss you, John," I whispered softly. John sighed. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words, Windy," John whispered.

Author's Note:

Okay, I'm extremely sorry! I have NOTHING whatsoever against Cynthia Lennon. She's is my favorite Beatle Wife! So, that's it.

Will I Still Need You? (Part 1 in the Needing You series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora