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Step, step, step, step, turn. Step, step, step, step, turn.

The nonstopping tick of the clock followed the steps of my pacing feet.. the only sound in the practically empty room.  The more I paced, the more I thought I was going to drive myself insane. But if this continuous pacing didn't drive me insane, I knew the worry would.

I kept walking back and forth, across the white tiled floor trying to reduce my preoccupation. I was filled with anxiety. He had gone missing and I can't find him. No one could, I tried looking for him outside, inside, everywhere... and still, no trace of Jimin. The anxiety was eating me up on the inside and my palms were drenched in sweat from the nervousness. I had such a bad feeling in my chest, a lump in my throat, and a heavy heart. If something happened to Jimin, I would never forgive myself. 

It wasn't the best way to handle the bundle of nerves, but my mind went straight to the worst. I felt as if a part of me had gone missing and something told me that that part was Jimin. Something happened to Jimin. Something bad.

On the other side of the room, my mother lay on the hospital bed, much calmer after finding out the news. Of course, I felt terrible too despite my relationship with my father wasn't the best but then again, this feeling that something happened to Jimin took overrode that feeling of grief. I was on my feet and would not be at peace until I found Jimin and knew he was safe and sound right here with me.

It had only been three hours since my father was declared dead at five o'clock that morning. Jimin and I had left the house an hour earlier after my mother called me saying my father's condition was only worsening. We didn't spare another thought and drove as quickly as we could to the facility. We got here and went straight to the doctor asking about the gravity of his condition.

He had said my father had begun to experience fatal arrhythmias that only began to get worse by the minute. What made it worse was that his state had already been weak and there was a high probability that it was going to kill him, that possibility came reality. My father was dead. He was no more.

He died an hour later after his heart gave up on him. Once the monitor blared that dread noise of lifelessness, my mother's screams of pain were the next noise to take up the entire floor. Soon came in the nurses trying to calm my mother and her agony, hoping she'd be quiet and not disturb the other patients.

As soon as my mom was sedated, I looked over for Jimin to tell him it would be better if we left. But he wasn't there. I looked everywhere, but no sign of him. I asked the authorities and the other workers for him and they said they hadn't seen anyone leave the room. He had just disappeared out of thin air, no trace, no nothing.

"Maybe he just went home for a while. He'll be back.." I tried convincing myself that everything would be okay, even if my conscious said otherwise.

Every tick of the clock made me more worried. Every minute that passed without knowing where he was made me so nervous, I was probably going to need a tranquilizer.

"Where is he?" I whispered to myself while running my hands through my hair. I grunted as I rubbed my face forcefully to calm down. There was this constant surge of pain in my chest, almost as if something bad had happened.

I really just couldn't control myself.

"If he doesn't appear in 20 minutes, I'll search for him again..." I said, reassuring myself.

I walked over to my unconscious mother. The monitor beeped steadily and she lay there motionless, her eyes shut. She looked younger, her age wrinkles having faded slightly, removing years. Her hair was sprawled out across the blue pillow and her hands were a bit pale but warm.

I lay my head down on her palm trying to collect my thoughts and the last bit of sanity I had left.

What is she going to do when she wakes up? She's going to go insane. I don't blame her. Losing the man you loved and lived with for half of your life is pretty traumatic. I hope the same doesn't happen with me and Jimin. I love him too much to see him... you know..die. The thought of it itself was unbearable and the pain in my chest only grew worse.

I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and walked out into the hallway. The air and thoughts in there were suffocating me. I walked towards the double doors on the right side, to see if there was anything I could do to distract myself from all this worry.

As I began to get near the doors, I heard loud yells behind me, getting closer. As I turned, I saw a group of doctors and nurses running with a bed between them, a bloody patient laying on it.

"Name: Unknown. Gender: Male Age: Probably in his thirties. Cause of wound: Falling or jumping off the roof. Family: Unspecified. Condition: Oozing injury at the back of the head and neck fracture, along with a broken leg. He's loosing too much blood. His head wound is fatal. Get him ready for surgery, now!" A doctor yelled as he ran towards me, yelling orders to the nurses.

I quickly moved out of the way to let them pass through with the injured patient.

As they passed me, I heard a small clink. A small object had hit the ground.

I looked down and saw a gold ring. I stared down at it before looking towards the unconscious patient's hand pale hanging from the side of the bed, he had dropped the ring.

I picked the ring from the ground and began to run behind the doctors to return the ring, but they were too far and too loud to hear me behind them.

I held the ring in my closed fist before opening my palm and studying the ring.

It was a normal gold band, a marriage ring.

I continued to turn it over and saw two lines of diamonds going up and down the band. As soon as I saw it, the world crashed.

It was Jimin's wedding band. The ring I gave him for our wedding.

Jimin owned it.

Jimin was that patient on the bed, the one losing too much blood.

Jimin was that patient that needed immediate surgery.

Jimin was that patient on the verge of death.

Jimin was dying.

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