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Jimin POV:

"Thank you for helping me out back there," I said, walking side-by-side my newly made acquaintance.

"Eh, it was nothing." Yoongi says as we walk down the sidewalk. He stops mid-step. I turn around to face him with the same puzzled expression he has on his face.

"How did you lose your memory?" He asks, looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed together. I grow even more confused as I didn't know the answer to the question myself. I let out a sigh, "I wish I knew." I begin, "All I know is I had some sort of accident- wait." I look at him confused, "How did you know I lost memory?"

Yoongi's expression softens, "I heard the reporters ask you as you ran away from them. I saved you remember?" I let out a relieved chuckle, "Right, sorry," I say, "I'm just a bit paranoid now that I know that there are strangers that now me more than I know myself."

"I cannot relate but I understand. Does that make sense?" Yoongi asks. I nod, "That does, actually," We laugh in unison as we continue our stroll.

After a few moments of silence, I speak up, "Like I said back there, I don't know how it happened, all I know is what my husband told me." Yoongi nods next to me, "So you're married?" he asks. I nod in response. "What's his name?" He asks. I look over at him, "Jungkook." After mentioning his name, there is a flash of a weird emotion in Yoongi's eyes. Almost like... anger.

After walking a few more blocks, Yoongi and I part ways, him going back home and I going to find the garden I set out to look for in the first place. After walking for a few more minutes, I finally reach a black gate with the words "Secret Garden" written in gold on a silver plaque next to it.

I walk in through the tall black gates as I hear voices inside the garden. I see people  in small groups, some couples, some just what seem to be friends, walking around looking at scenery. The garden is trimmed with beautiful flowers, trees with cherry blossoms in them, bushes decorated with specs of color, all in one, making it a breathtaking scene.

I begin to walk around, looking at the different  flowers, lining the entrance of the garden all the way to the far back. It is a small garden, but the beauty of it made up for its size.I continue walking around, breathing in the fresh aroma of the flowers. I walk a bit more and see a couple rabbits hopping here and there.

My heart softens at the sight of the adorable creatures. As I look down at them, I see a particularly small rabbit standing outside the rest of the group. I walk over to it, trying to bend down and pick it up. As I finally grasp the small body, it hops out of my grasp and bounces the opposite way.

I laugh at the small animal and decide to follow it to wherever it is it's going in. I walk over a few feet before seeing the rabbit abruptly stop at a white semi-worn down bench.

The bench!

No longer paying attention to the small ball of fur, I look at the bench from top to bottom and realize that this is it. This the bench where Jungkook and I took our picture. The one we had home. It looks identical to the one in the frame, except for a few signs of rust. I don't blame the people who managed the garden for letting it rust, it had been six years after all.

I slowly sit down on the bench, hoping that by sitting down on it, it'll bring memories back. I know it makes no logical sense but I wanted to try anyway, I want to know who I was before my accident. I close my eyes, and lean my head back, taking in a deep breath.

"Everyone! Here they come!" I hear someone yell on the other side of the gate. I look down, playing with the cuff of my blazer, trying to get this over with as soon as possible.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jungkook looking ahead, hands shoved into the pockets of his tuxedo.

"We could just go home, you know?" I hear Jungkook speak from beside me.

I look up and nod, "I know." I leave it at that and open the gate to the garden my mother had chosen to host the reception of our wedding.

I quickly look behind me and glance at Jungkook, who just stares back before realizing what he has to do. He grabs my hand and puts on a dazzling smile, one that makes my heart skip a beat.

I ignore the feeling and try to ignore the warmth and comfort I get from holding hands with Jungkook.

I reluctantly put on a smile, one a newlywed should have, and walk into the garden with Jungkook trailing in behind me.As soon as we step in through the gate cheers begin, and there is confetti released, congratulating our union in marriage.I think to myself as the people in front of us cheer and smile genuinely at us, "If only this were real."

A couple hours into the celebration, my mother comes up to the table Jungkook and I are sharing. "Jimin, Jungkook," she begins, "come, I want to take a picture of the two of you." Jungkook looks over at me and I comply. My mother guides us to a far corner of the garden and signals us to a white bench, "Sit here," she says. Jungkook walks ahead of me and takes a seat, leaving space for me. I sit next to him, trying not to feel awkward.

My mother smiles, "Now, hold hands and smile!" she says, enthusiastic as ever. I reluctantly grab Jungkook's hands, once again ignoring the comfort it brings me, and put on the least fabricated smile I can manage. "3, 2, 1, smile!" And the camera flashes.

My eyes snap open and I realize I had fallen asleep. I sit up and look around, the bunny is long gone and so are some of the people. The garden looks emptier and the day looks like it's leaving to. I grab my belongings and head out of the garden and back home.

When I reach home, the dream replays in my head. It seemed so strange and off-putting. I hated the feeling it left in me, just like the questions from the reporters.

Whatever the dream meant, I hope it was wrong, because I really loved Jungkook before my accident... right?

As the questions swirl in my head, I eventually feel sleepy and decide to take a short nap before my husband arrives. Maybe he could help me decipher my weird dream and the questions by the reporters, because Jungkook loves me, or so he says.

A/N: OMG I did it! I finally published after sooo long. Sorry for the wait, schoolwork and writer's block have not been helpful at ALL. Thank you for supporting me even after my extended break. I will make sure to keep updating! Love ya!


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