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Jimin is dying..
Jimin is dying..
Jimin is dying..

After the gravity of the words hit me, I ran as fast as I could, following behind the group of doctors that had just ran past me.

"JIMIN!" I began to scream as I caught up to them. Tears sprung and ran down my face, blurring my vision, making it harder to see.

"JIMIN!" The doctors saw me and two of the nurses ran to me. I tried to run past them to the bed holding Jimin. This can't be happening not my Jimin.

"Sir, you need to calm down." I heard one of them say as they both held my arms with tight grips.

I shrugged them off and tried to continue to run behind the doctors who rolled Jimin away.

Jimin can't leave me...

"JIMIN!" I screamed, my voice getting hoarse, trying to fight off the nurses to get to Jimin.

The nurses continued to hold me down as I struggled to get them off of me. I slapped their hands out of the way but they didn't budge. I kept struggling as I fell to knees on the cold ground.

"My husband! My husband! He's dying!" I yelled, tears wetting my entire face, but I didn't care, the love of my life is dying.

"Sir, he'll be put in urgent surgery. You need to calm down, sir, please." They repeated the same shit over and over.

I grunted as I yanked my arms out of their locked hands and stumbled to get on my knees.

Jimin, don't leave me..

I began to ran full speed, despite the hurting in my knees, towards the doctors who were still running and about to make a turn.

As I began to run, I felt a sudden sting on the side of my arm.

The view got hazy and blurrier than it already was. My mind got hazy and my head pounded.

I continued to sob and scream as I staggered to the doctors, who still ran.


When the doctors turned, I felt a blanket of comfort slip over me before I passed out into full, deep, darkness.




I woke up in a small room. A huge window taking up most of the wall to my right, covered with white blinds, the sun light translucent.

I looked around the room, taking everything in. Plain doors, a small, frameless mirror hung on the wall on the other side of me, opposite to the window.

I looked at my reflection. I looked the same. Same dull blond hair, same big brown eyes, pouty lips. Normal. My hair was a total mess and I had a purple bruise on the right side of my face. My eyes had big purple bags under them, the size of thumbprints.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of my head, making me wince in agony.

"What happened?" I whispered to myself, trying to remember.


What am I doing here, anyway? As frustrating as it was, I still tried to remember what happened, but everything was so unclear and vague.

I touched the back of my head and felt a gauze covering 20% of the back of my head.

I looked down at the palms of my hands, flushed in red. I turned them over slowly, red scratches all over them.

I frowned in confusion, "What the hell?"

I looked up from my hands to my arms and elbows, bruises and cuts everywhere.

I began to look at me legs as something caught my eye, a big white cast on my left leg.

I broke my leg? How? Oh right, I don't remember.

I touched all over my body to see if I had anymore injuries. As soon as I got the the back of my neck, I grimaced.

I had another gauze there. I had probably hurt my neck.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door.

"Yes?" I asked having no idea who it was.

The door opened, nearly slamming against the wall.

Inside, came a tall, brown haired guy with thin lips and huge brown doe eyes. He was handsome. Despite the fact he wore a tired expression mixed with worry and anxiety.

He practically ran to me and grabbed my hand. "Jimin... Oh my gosh.. I thought you had died. I was so worried, baby. I love you so much don't scare me like that again." He said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

I decided to speak now before things got out of hand.

"Do I know you?"

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