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Jimin POV:

It's been a week since I've been in this house, and I've grown more and more familliar with the area. Jungkook and I have become closer and has helped me remember a few things, from our wedding reception to a couple of things about my family. My mom is dead and according to Jungkook, my dad wasn't the greatest fatherly figure and that he died out of nowhere basically. I also asked about how I lost my memory and he said I got in an accident he'd rather not talk about since it scared him, thinking he would lose me forever. I decided not to keep asking since I didn't want to bring bad memories to him. In regards to my parents, I should feel bad but I wouldn't remember them even if they were standing in  front of me. In addition, Jungkook has been a great comfort to me considering I have begun to get random flashbacks about the weirdest things. 

I remember having this one weird dream where a man, whose face I couldn't see, much less remember, was on top of me as I screamed. I woke up screaming that night and Jungkook told me it was just a nightmare and it had nothing to do with my life before losing my memory. He says it was just a simple nightmare. I hope so.

I sit next to the table in the hallway on the floor, holding our only wedding picture. I look down at it and just try to put the pieces together. 

Why did I look so plastic-like as if I had a fabricated emotion towards Jungkook?

I ran my fingers over the gold ridges as an opening door startled me. I look up from next to the table and see Jungkook come out the door. "What are you doing down there?" He asks as he does his tie. I ignore the question, putting the picture frame to the side and walk up to his shirt and help him fix his tie.

I feel his breathing against my ear as I finish tying his tie. I realize what I'm doing only until after I finish fixing it and look away to the side, trying to play off my embarrassment, "I-It was crooked." I say in my defense, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

I hear a small laugh from Jungkook next to me. I continue to face to the side, playing with the hem of my sweater, waiting for the humiliation subside. "Hey," I hear Jungkook's voice as his hands direct my face in his direction. I stare at him in awe as I just now begin to take in how handsome he really is. 

"There's no need to feel embarrassed," He begins, leaning his face into me, "you're my husband after all," he says before he presses his lips against mine. I feel butterflies spin in my stomach as his arms wrap around my waist, pressing me closer to him. I close my eyes, letting the sensation of his velvety lips against mine overtake my body, and wrap my arms around his neck. 

I feel his tongue swipe against my lower lip cautiously, asking for entrance. I abide and open my mouth slightly, letting his tongue enter my mouth. I let my tongue press up against his as I feel like I'm going to explode.

Our kiss begins to get more passionate as the seconds pass by. I begin to feel like a fish without water when my lungs begin to beg for air. I part from him and look down, my face hot, trying to catch my breath. 

I look back up and see Jungkook smiling before kissing my forehead. "I'll see you after work precious." Jungkook says as he walks down the hallway, before heading downstairs. I lean up against the wall behind me, my hands up against my chest, trying to calm my heartbeat.

After I catch my breath, I head back over to the frame on the ground. I look at the garden in the background and try to search for anything in my mind to help me regain any memory from ever being there. A couple minutes pass and realize I must look like an idiot standing in the middle of the hallway trying to remember something that won't come to me.

I head downstairs and grab Jungkook's home laptop that he's letting me use since he said I broke mine a few months back. I open the browser and look up gardens in the area. Soon after going through five websites, I find the one that looks identical to the one in the picture. I write down the address and grab a pair of shoes. I grab my new phone Jungkook recently got for me since my broke because it was in my pocket at the time of my "accident." I also grab the house keys and begin to walk to the garden since the website said it was only a few minutes away.

Halfway down the journey, I see a group of three-what seem to be journalists because of their cameras and one of them holding a microphone- eye me up and down from across the street. I walk faster and see them trying to catch up with me as I look back. I soon hear loud questions behind me as they've caught up to me.

Will you ever regain your memory?

Mr. Jeon, how have you been after your accident?

How are you and your husband after the conflict of two weeks ago?

Have you visited the jail recently?

The questions don't seem to stop or make sense as the flashes of the man's camera begin to blind me. I feel like crying and screaming at them to leave me the hell alone. I pick up my pace and begin to sprint. I make a turn and continue to run before I feel a pair of arms swoop me to the side and into an alley. I'm about to scream as soon as I'm pressed up against the wall along with a hand against my mouth. However, the man in front of me puts a finger up against his lips, signaling me to be quiet. As terrible my judgement may be, this man didn't seem to be any harm so I refrained from screaming. I heard the group of journalists run past by.

As soon as I'm in the clear, I feel the hand against my lips move away. I look at the man in front of me. As I take his features in, I feel like I've met him before-

I let out a squeal as a pang in the back of my head rings against my skull. 

The man in front of me seems surprised and tries to help as I crouch trying to manage the pain in the back of my head. After the pain subdues, I look up at the man. 

"Thank you.." I say quietly, my hand resting against the back of my head. 

"You okay?" He asks, his voice deep and concerned. I nod, trying to not make him worry. 

"Uhh.. do I know you? Have I met you before?" I ask trying to help my confusion.

The man looks at me in the face for a few seconds and I begin to wonder if I only said that in my head and not out loud. As I'm about to repeat my question, he blinks, "N-No, we haven't met. I just helped you since I heard the press yelling a bunch of questions so I thought someone was running away from them." He says, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I nod as I stick my hand out, "I'm Jimin, pleasure to meet you." 

He meets my hand, squeezing it and shaking it with mine, "I'm Yoongi, oh and the pleasure's all mine."

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