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Jungkook POV:

"Do I know you?"

No. No. NO! NO!

"Umm, sir?" I looked back at Jimin and saw him sitting there, the curiosity and confusion radiating off of him.

I felt drops on my arms and realized I had begun crying. "Jimin..." I whispered, just letting the news sink in.

Jimin was gone. My Jimin was gone.

"D-do I know you?" Jimin still asked confused.

This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening-

"Sir? Sir? Are you alright?" I heard his voice ask me again.

This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening

I clawed at my hair in frustration, I suddenly turned the confused and terrified boy, I grabbed his face in my hands, "Jimin! Jimin! Tell me you're in there! Tell me you remember me! I'm your husband! I'm Jungkook! Tell me you remember-"

Before the room went black, I saw Jimin's mortified face once again, but it wasn't the same Jimin from before...

My Jimin was gone.


"I now declare you husband and husband, you may now kiss the groom."

I stared over at the boy who I had only met a month before. His golden hair shined in the yellow light seeping in through the chapel windows and his small eyes and plump lips created the same expression I wore. Discomfort.

Maybe after that night in which we first met, maybe I saw something different in that boy. Maybe even though I made up the lie that I didn't believe in love to not scare him away, maybe I was doing the exact of what I said I wouldn't do. Maybe I had started to gain a liking for this small boy, despite our 2 year age gap.

This small boy, was undoubtedly attractive and even despite all his flaws, all those flaws in one body, they made beauty. But as much as I'd like to really love him, I knew that he wouldn't. Even though I lied and said that I didn't believe in love, when he said the same thing, I saw that he meant it. This boy was loveless.

That boy was my Jimin.

"Sir? Are you awake?" I opened my eyes and saw the boy I had dreamed about in front of the hospital bed. He wore the hospital gown and had his IV next to him on wheels. His golden hair poked out at the bottom of the bandage the wore around his head. I then realized where I was, I was in a hospital bed, in my same clothes, under blue blankets.

"What happened?" I asked, my voice hoarse from sleep.

Jimin looked down at his hands, "Well you began yelling and went crazy and then a nurse sedated you." Once he said that, I remembered that Jimin didn't. That he wasn't the same boy at the chapel. That he wasn't the boy I had began liking. He wasn't Jimin.


"You said you were my husband.." Jimin said, still looking down at his scratched up hands. A small blush grew in his cheeks as he looked at me and waited for me to respond.

"Yes, I am your husband. I'm Jungkook. And you're-"

"Park Jimin, I know." I said. I shook my head, "You're Jeon Jimin. Park was your name before we got married." I searched in my pants pocket and pulled out his wedding band, the one he had dropped when he was rolled into the surgery room.

"This is yours.." I said showing him the wedding ring. He looked at the ring before his expression changed drastically, "The ring, I-I've seen it before..." He said quietly. I felt a small bud of hope bloom in my chest.

"Yes, it's yours. It's your wedding ring," I  sat up and reached for his warm pale hand, sliding the ring onto his ring finger.

He looked at his ring and stared at it before smiling a little. I looked at him and wondered if he'd ever remember all our years together. If he'd remember his family and his late mother.

But at the same time,  most of our years together were wasted and awful. Cheating, lies, hate, suffering. Those were reasons that I hoped he wouldn't regain his memory.

"H-How long have we been married for?" Jimin asked. I sighed, "We've been married for..." I looked ahead at the white board in the front of the room, April 3rd. April 3rd.. our 6th year married. "S-six years... we've been married for six years." My heart broke at the thought of our sixth year. This is how we spent it, my lover with amnesia. The love of my life didn't remember me, not even on our sixth year anniversary..

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