Betrayal and Broken Hearts

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(A/N) Heyo! This is my VERY FIRST FANFIC! I'm so psyched! XD Just to let ya know, my updates will probably be once a week at the most unless it's a special occasion. Since school is starting up I'll try my best to write consistently! Also, Percy might seem to be a bit OP, but I'll try and make him work for it. Oh, and it's been a while since I've seen this series, so the characters might be a little OOC.

Btw, this is my first time posting on this website, so wish me luck! Updates  might be later than on Fanfiction, but I'll try to keep them in sync. Right at the moment I have I think six chapters posted on fanfiction and I'm working on number seven. I'll upload to Wattpad a sap though!

Please let me know if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes! And if my writing is good, bad, awesome, or whatever. ;)

Disclaimer: Whadaya think? FANfiction, remember ;)

All Reviews, comments, and constructive criticism are welcome!

Note: All flames will be given to Leo to play with (GO MCSCHIZZLE!)

Make sure to read the End of Chapter A/N, it has important stuff in it!



Chapter 1: Betrayal and Broken Hearts

Percy's POV:

My blood was rushing in my ears while I numbly watched the scene in front of me unfold.

A couple kissing on the beach would be sweet, under normal circumstances. Under normal circumstances, the girl would not have a boyfriend. Under normal circumstances, I would leave the couple in peace.

These were not normal circumstances.

"Annabeth...why?" I asked, heartbroken.

Annabeth looked at me and sneered, "Because, Seaweed Brain, Ryan is better than you. He's everything Luke was before the war. You are nothing." She said this with such loathing that I stumbled.

Tears slid down my face and I felt my heart break. The pieces were scattered through my chest, leaving nothing but a black void. A void that anger and hate quickly filled.

A tug in my gut was the result of this anger. The seas rose, waves frothing on the surface and hurricane force winds whipped through my hair.

Ryan looked at me with an expression of pure fear. He scrambled to his feet, and grabbed Annabeth by the hand, practically dragging her back to camp.

I might as well've never seen this, with the lack of feeling in my mind.

When I fight, the pain in my stomach keeps me grounded. Keeps me under control. Now, my numb body felt nothing. No pain, just emotional anguish.

The ground began to shake and I heard cries in the distance. Large waves crashed down around me, swamping everything in their wake.

I looked down and saw a small hurricane surrounding me, mimicking the large one around Camp. Lightning crashed overhead, and large cracks appeared in the ground.

A flash of light registered in the corner of my vision. I turned and saw Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. Zeus stepped forward and yelled over the wind, "Stop this, Jackson! The Camp is being destroyed!"

But these words fell upon deaf ears. I felt nothing for no one. I was nothing. Then my father spoke.

"Percy, please. I know you have been hurt, but please. If you keep this up campers and mortals will be dead, do you hear me? Dead."

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