Slips, Then Shatters

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(A/N) Okay folks, I'm rearin' and ready to go with your next chapter of The New Avatar!



Chapter 5: Slips, Then Shatters

Percy's POV:


A boy and a girl were sitting on a bench together, crying. The girl looked to be about fifteen or sixteen and had spiky black hair with a silver tiara on her forehead. Her eyes were a startling electric blue, but were misted over from tears. She was holding a boy that was maybe a year or two younger. He had shoulder-length black hair and dark shadows under his eyes. His eyes were an earthy brown and seemed to dance with shadows. They were dark, filled with pain and sorrow.

Why were kids this young so sad? I'll admit that I'm not much older, but I feel a connection to these kids. I feel as if I've known them for years and taken care of them.

Who knows, maybe we were friends before I lost my memory?

The girl spoke to the boy, "Why did she do it? She broke him and now he's gone. I can't believe he's gone. I won't. I will find him and bring him home."

The boy looked her in the eye and a look of determination crossed his face. "Don't even think about going on your own. I'm coming too and there's nothing that will stop me."

They both stood up and the girl gazed into the distance.

"We're coming for you, Percy. Just hold on."

I returned to the waking world with a violent jolt.

Who were those people? They seemed to know and care for me, I thought to myself.

Looking around I noticed that I was the first one up. We had all ended up sleeping in a giant dog pile, so I detangled myself carefully, not wanting to wake anyone else up.

Stretching and rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I walked to the outside of the cave. The sun was only just rising, a gentle orange glow blanketing the sky. I felt the ocean call out to me and made my way to the beach.

By the time I got to the beach the sun had finished rising. The others would probably be waking up soon, but I just continued on to the water, a clear blue plane that seemed to stretch across the horizon and into infinity.

I stood at the edge of the surf and let my feet get wet. I still had no shoes, and my remaining clothing seemed to be unlike anything the people here had seen.

Closing my eyes, I just let the sound of waves crashing on the shore roll over me. I took a deep breath and inhaled a breath of fresh, sea air.


My eyes snapped open. The voice I had heard was a man's and was warm and comforting.

Thoroughly shaken, I decided to try out my newly rediscovered bending. Trusting my gut, I held my hand out and tried to copy one of the movements I had seen Katara do yesterday. The water followed my movements and I laughed, feeling triumph over the small accomplishment.

I held both hands in front of me and pulled them over my head, palms facing down. A huge wave roared into existence and rushed toward me. I lowered my hands slightly and held them in front of me, palms facing forward. The wave simply stopped just as it was about to crash into the sand.

"Impressive," a voice said. I abruptly lost my concentration and the wave crashed back into the ocean.

Turning around, I saw Katara eyeing me with an appraising look in her eye.

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