Worries And A Conversation

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(A/N) The answer to the QOTD was the fury, Alecto!

All the important stuff is in the end of chapter note read it!

Disclaimer: I haven't done this in a while but...

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I no own,

So please don't sue.

:b ;)


Chapter 6: Worries And A Conversation

Katara POV:

It had been two days since Percy had tried to get his memory back by meditating. A few minutes after Aang had come back, saying something about Percy 'getting alone time', a small earthquake hit. Just enough to give us a rattle.

A few minutes later, Percy came back. He said nothing, just walking to his sleeping bag and laying down, but we all knew something was wrong.

We didn't push, his memories were personal and he was entitled to them, but that didn't mean we weren't worried for our friend.

Normally he is so happy and laid back. Lately, he does nothing but train. He trains more than any of us, hours upon hours of nothing but training.

Today, Aang came back to the cave talking about some sort of parent-teacher meeting.

Thinking of no other solution, Sokka and I dressed as his 'parents' and spoke to the headmaster. Although, Sokka really got into his character, he still hasn't taken off his fake mustache!

Time Skip

"They're coming, everyone stop bending!" Toph said suddenly. We all immediately froze, stopped bending, and waited for the kids to get here.

Sokka still had that ridiculous beard on and Toph was, well, Toph.

Despite all of this, I was worried about Percy. Ever since he had come back from meditating a few days ago, he's practically become a different person. He wasn't even that, it was almost as if someone had taken everything that made Percy, Percy and pulled it all out.

Whatever he had remembered must have affected his very character to the point where he was a shell of his former self.

I feel as if this dance party will be good for him too, maybe get him out of the pit he's fallen in.

The scariest part was last night, though. I woke up to him making small whimpers and sweating buckets. His sleeping bag had become a tangled mess in his thrashing limbs. I had moved to wake him up, but before I got within a foot of him, he jumped up, pressing me up against the cave wall. I had managed to choke out his name before he did any real damage, but he had beaten himself up about it for hours, probably still was.

Over the time we had spent training together with each other, we had developed a brother-sister relationship. To be honest he was like an older brother to all of us. He protected and cared for all of us.

At the same time, I would not want to get on his bad side. Last night was a perfect example, he wasn't even awake and he took me down. I'm not going to even start on his bending, the guy's insane, he is the most naturally inclined waterbender I have ever come across. By the time he is a master, I feel as if he could take down Master Paku without much thought. And the way he's training, we won't have to wait long.

I pulled myself from my thoughts, caching the end of Aang's sentence.

"–the Flamieo's!" Nobody moved, all of the young Fire Nation students stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

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