A Hero And An Abyss

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(A/N) Hey folks! Thank yous to all who review/favorite/followed! Keep it up, it keeps me writing! Here is the third chapter of The New Avatar. Hope you like! ;D

Disclaimer: Still don't own it.


Chapter 3: A Hero And An Abyss

Unknown POV:

Discordant thoughts swam through my mind. Broken flashes of colour and words.








A vast blackness told me I was unconscious. Wait, who am I again?

"A hero." A kind, feminine voice said, calling out to me through the darkness.

Hero? Why am I a hero? Is this a dream?

"Yes, Little One."

You can hear my thoughts?

A gentle laugh echoed in my ears.

"I reside in them."

You're in my mind?

"In a way."

Why am I here? Where is here? Why can't I remember anything? Please. Please, tell me what's happening to me.

"You are here for many reasons. The first, to bring peace." There was a brief pause, as if She didn't know what to say next.

"The world you were meant to be in is plagued by war and disorder. I have a, well, an Avatar, so to speak, doing their best to restore balance. He is not succeeding. Recently, he walked the path between Life and Death, pulled back to the world of the living only just before it was too late. He has been greatly weakened, along with my presence."

She stopped talking for a moment and I mulled over what she had said.

This world...war does more than destroy. It decimates. There is nothing left, after war.

Just ashes that drift to the ground. The ashes of the fallen, the fighters, the heroes.

How do I know this? I feel as if this word, war, resonates within me. A deep feeling of sadness and exhaustion.

Why can I not remember? Knowing what something is, having a deep-rooted emotional connection to something, yet not knowing why.

"I am sorry, Little One. You are brave, and have suffered. I have no right to ask of you what I must. I did my best to salvage what of your memories that I could."

Thank you. For trying.

What must you ask of me?

"Your help. Help this world and its inhabitants. I will understand if you refuse. Shall you do so, no harm will come to you. Your spirit will be safe and you will survive."

And if I accept?

"You will endure much. And you will have to lead. Your memories may return, but I cannot be sure. Just know that I will not judge you for your choice."

I knew that this decision would probably decide the rest of my life. I feel as if this choice has been given to me before...

I want peace for myself, I want to just stop fighting. Fighting in wars.

War. I can't just stand by knowing that people's lives have been ruined because of senseless conflict, I don't understand how you could stand to the side. Letting all of those things happen when you could stop it?


I've made my decision.

I will help.

I may not know who I am, but I will discover myself again.

I know who I am.

I am a hero.

"Thank you. You are selfless and brave. Thank you."

A name. I have a name. Who am I?

Opening my eyes.

Suspicious glances.

"Who are you?"

Looking the girl in the eye.

A name. A name. What is a name? A label? An identity?

I now know mine. It comes, a string of emotions and an onslaught of brief, ungraspable images.

I know who I am.

"Percy Jackson."

(A/N) Didn't see that comin' did ya? So, now he has amnesia. And I had fun writing a cliffhanger.

First person to guess who the mysterious 'She' was will be mentioned in the next chapter!

Okie dokie. I am so happy with all of the positive reviews I'm getting! Thank you all so much!

Not much to explain here. I know this is a lot like what Hera did, but I couldn't resist! So yeah. Sorry-not-sorry. Luv you all! ;b Please! Review, question, comment!

Until next time,


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