Catch Me If I Fall

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(A/N) Hi again! I'm here again with the next chappie of The New Avatar ! Also, kudos to everyone who read the End of Chapter note. It usually has some important info regarding the story, maybe even a few spoilers!


Me: If I owned either of these Fandom's, the characters would hate me. Obviously they don't.

Percy: You sure about that?

Me: Shut up, Kelp Head. No blue cookies.

Percy: NOOOOO! I sorry. But you still don't own us.

Me: *grumbles under breath* Fine.

Eragon: I pledge unto you my sword and magic!

Percy: Who's that weirdo?

Me: Don't ask.

Sokka: What did I miss?

All Reviews, comments, and constructive criticism are welcome!

Note: Zuko will not find flames funny. He already has one scar on his eye. :b ;)

Make sure to read the End of Chapter A/N, it has important stuff in it!



Chapter 2: Catch Me If I Fall

Katara's POV:

"No!" I yelled, watching Azula as she directed a life-stopping blast of lightning at Aang's back.

It was as if the event occurred in slow motion.

Azula grinned sadistically, tasting victory. I yelled, and a flood of water reached up and caught Aang whilst knocking our enemies off their feet.

Creating a swirl of water to carry us to the surface I looked back at Iroh.

He looked at me with the glint of determination in his eyes and said, "Go! I'll hold them off for as long as I can!"

I hesitated a moment, not wanting to let the man who had just saved our lives sacrifice himself. Glancing at Aang's still form was enough to spur me to action.

I bended the water, allowing us to escape and watched as Iroh: The Dragon of the West defends himself against a squad of earth benders. I lost sight of him, and Sokka called Appa.

The bison swooped in, sensing his friends' danger.

We all climbed onto the saddle, Sokka steering, and everyone else crowded around Aang.

"No, Aang! This can't be it! This can't be the end of our adventure, come back to me!" I muttered with conviction. Turning him on his back, I manipulated the water from the spring in the North Pole and tried to heal the gaping wound in his back.

"'Cmon, Twinkle Toes," Toph whispered.

I was about to give up when, "Katara..." Aang said, weakly. His eyes cracked open and I started to cry. I hugged him tight, until I realized he had passed out again, but unlike last time, he was breathing evenly.

I looked at Toph and Sokka, "We have to keep moving. We need a place to rest and for Aang to heal. Are we ready for this?"

Everyone nodded, knowing all of us would follow Aang to the ends of the earth.

"Let's go."

Time skip

"He's woken up!" I heard someone shout and, abandoning my place on deck, rushed to the door leading to the inside of the ship. As I was about to go in, Aang burst out looking panicked,

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