To Protect and Defend

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Chapter 7: To Protect and Defend

(A/N) Heeeyyy! *dodges multiple rotten vegetables* I totally haven't been MIA for about a month *ducks dagger thrown at head* Sorry? *yelps when almost impaled by spear* Okay, okay, I was gone for a pretty long time but I have a perfectly reasonable explanation! *Drakon suddenly charges* okay, this is getting dangerous...In my defense, I had really bad writer's block and had no idea where this story was going. So I sat down, planned and came up with an ending! So you'll get more regular, weekly updates! Yay! Shout out to IDontGetIt1596 for being the fist to answer the QTOD right! It was Percy strangling a snake as a toddler. Also! HUGE shoutout to XoverFan4evaaaa for all of their AMAZING ideas and support! (Sry for not doing this earlier :b) They have been so supportive and you can thank them for remindng me to write! Also, I've added this story to Wattpad, for any who like that site better.


On with the chapter (finally)!


Percy POV:

"Wow, this is amazing to watch," Katara said softly, the ever-present ocean of her eyes glinting in the meteor shower's magnificent light.

We had taken a break in flying once we were a few kilometers out from the nearest Fire Nation town. There we could replenish our supplies and update our information on the status of the war.

"Kinda' makes you realize how insignificant we are," Sokka commented, with a slightly dazed look on his face.

"Eh, you seen nothin' once, you've seen it a thousand times," Toph said in her usual tone, eliciting soft laughs and smiles from all.

"It's kinda'...nice, ya' know? Just, relaxing," Aang said. He looked skywards, wonder shining through his soft grey eyes.

Moments like this reminded me that Aang had never really had the chance to be a normal kid. All his life he has done nothing but train and run. He's run from his fears and run from his enemies; never resting, never once pausing to enjoy the view life gave him.

A sudden, bright blue glow interrupted my thoughts.

"You've never not seen something like this," Sokka said, leaning forward with eyes blown wide, and staring at the celestial body falling from the sky.

That was also coming straight for us.


Surging forward we all managed to scramble to our feet, the meteor flying right over Appa's head.


A blue-white explosion rocked the earth, the flash of a raging fire igniting the inky darkness.

We all stared for a moment, awed at the power generated by the explosion. Then, I managed to pull my scrambled thought together and urge the others onto Appa.

"We can't let the fire reach the town," I said, easily shifting into the leadership role, "Toph, try and contain it with you earthbending. Katara, stay on Appa and help Toph. Aang, douse the flames from the ground, I'll help too." I paused, " Momo."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2018 ⏰

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