Explanations and Demonstrations

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(A/N) Yay! Another update! Okay, from here and onward, the story will move away from the A:TLA storyline. Thanks to all who favorite/follow/review!

The voice was Ravaa, speaking with Percy through his dreams.

Disclaimer: Maybe if I wish hard enough? No? Okay.

Read on!


Chapter 4: Explanations and Demonstrations

Percy's POV:

It was...strange, to say the least. I was still reeling from finding my name.

Percy Jackson. Perseus Jackson.

As good a name as any, I suppose.

The strange group of people were on high alert, they all had their hands in strange positions, except for a boy with a blue spear.

"Who are you?" I asked, still looking at the girl who helped me find my name. I like her, I decide.

A young girl with unfocused eyes spoke up, "We're asking the questions here, buster. And you better answer them truthfully, I'll know if you're lying."

Well that's odd. How would she know if I were lying?

"Are you with the Fire Nation?" The boy with the spear aked me.

"What's the Fire Nation?" I said, puzzled. The way the boy had said 'Fire Nation' made it sound as if it were something he just scraped off his shoe.

"How do you not know what the Fire Nation is!? Toph, he has got to by lying."

"N-no," the girl with the strange eyes said, "He's telling the truth."

"If you're planning on asking me more questions, I don't believe I'll be of much help." I quipped, butting into the conversation.

"And why is that," the girl– Toph –said.

"Well, I have a bit of a memory problem. I can't remember anything from before just now. Maybe a few words or images, but that's it. I only just now remembered my name." I slid my gaze the other girl, "Thank you for that, by the way, you helped me remember."

"He's not lying," Toph said, helpfully.

At this, their shocked gazes turned sympathetic, and they relaxed.

"I do believe it's high time we introduce ourselves. My name is Katara and this is Toph, Aang, and Sokka." The girl who helped me remember said. Well, I suppose it's Katara.

I thought of telling them about my dream, but immediately decided not to. Who knows how they would react.

I gave them a smile and stood normally.

"Help me with the fire?" Sokka asked.

"Sure," I replied and helped him grab the pile of branches sitting near the mouth of the cave.

Sokka showed me how to start a fire from scratch, rubbing a few pieces of wood together, while Katara and Aang pulled materials to make dinner out of a bag. Toph just propped her feet up on a rock and relaxed.

Finally, we had all settled down around the fire with a pot of stew bubbling merrily over the fire.

"So," I started the conversation, "could you guys, you know, give me the basics of this place?"

Katara smiled kindly at me, "Of course. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, how the four nations once lived in harmony. How everything changed once the Fire Nation attacked. The Avatar was master of all four elements, only he could stop the firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he disappeared. Nobody had seen him for a hundred years, until my brother and I found him, in an iceberg. The current Avatar is Aang. The Fire Nation will do anything to capture Aang before he masters all four elements, so we've been on the run since day one."

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