Chapter 1 - Last Night Together?

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Chapter Written by: FanfictionalWarrior


The sun had at last dipped below the horizon, leaving the faint glow of pink and purple streaming across the sky. Stars were starting to become visible among the now-setting sun, twinkling about in the twilight that was quickly fading into midnight.

Inside the Order Hall, the three remaining Order members prepared themselves for the monster-hunting that they had scheduled for that evening. They had finally said their final goodbyes to Axel and Olivia before the pair had set back off to their hometowns, and as hard as it was to do for Jesse, she knew that it was bound to happen at some point.

Redstonia needed Olivia. Boomtown needed Axel.

Besides, she was going to see them again eventually, right?

It was only a matter of time before Petra would leave, too. Then Lukas...and she'd be alone again. Alone with only Radar for company.

"Jesse? You got everything?" Lukas' voice shattered her thoughts, piercing through the silence like a dagger to the heart. It had been completely quiet before he burst through the door.

"Yeah. Just need to grab my sword." She walked over to the fancy pedestal where she kept her enchanted diamond sword, grabbing the handle and dramatically waving it into the air in one swift motion, a devious grin fixed on her face.

Lukas applauded, shaking his head with an amused smile playing at his lips. "I'm assuming you have it now," he mused aloud, eyebrow arched.

"Yup. All ready to go. Are you sure you're the one who's ready?"

"Ha, ha," Lukas said sarcastically. "Let's see..." He reached into his inventory, rummaging around for a while before finally pulling out his trusty bow and arrow. "Yeah, I think I'm all set. Got my bow, got my sword, and my journal."

Jesse smiled at him. "You know, it's good to finally be doing things together again. Even if it isn't the five of-of us..." She trailed off as images of the happy faces of her friends flashed around her mind. Her smile faltered for a minute, and her eyes became unfocused as she got lost in her own head.

Lukas stared at her in concern for a minute. No, no, not again! The last thing he needed was an upset Jesse.

"Jesse?" He snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, catching her attention almost immediately. She blinked before turning her eyes back to meet his.

"Sorry, Lukas. I was just thinking about...the five of us, together. Even though it's not like that anymore, I guess I just have to accept it." Her voice shrunk at the end of the sentence, and she broke eye contact with him. It didn't go unnoticed by Lukas, however.

She stifled a yawn, heavy bags still under her eyes, when an abrupt slam through the door caught their attention.

"Who's ready for some MONSTER HUNTING?" Petra yelled, pointing Miss Butter into the air with one foot up on the steps.

"Oh, we're ready!" Jesse said, quickly slipping past Lukas and hopping down the steps towards Petra. He pushed his worries aside, putting on a smile and following.

Petra held her hand out to Jesse for a high-five, which the shorter girl swiftly delivered. She repeated the process as Lukas came up to them, bow slung over his shoulder.

"So, you guys have a spot picked out or are we just blindly charging into the night?" Petra asked, carelessly waving her sword around as she spoke.

"The forest?" Jesse asked with a shrug. "I didn't really plan much past the usual."

"Well then what are we waiting around for?" Petra asked, holding out her hands. "Let's go and slaughter some things already!"

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