Chapter 5 - Restless Night

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Chapter written by FanfictionalWarrior

The light was starting to fade outside, a faint golden glow still peeking over the horizon. Stars slowly beginning to emerge, the twinkling lights dotted about the dark night sky.

There was a bit of an uncomfortable silence among the three friends inside the Order Hall. Everybody were silently puzzling over something in their head, unaware of what was going on in the mind of the person next to them. While Jesse's thoughts were mostly the usual, Lukas and Petra were both still pondering over the odd events that had been occurring ever since the night they went out mob hunting.

Lukas was thoughtfully tapping his foot on the floor, fingering the rim of the mug he held in his hands. The distant look in his eyes proving that his mind was a million miles away.

Petra was staring down at the table they were sitting at, absent-mindedly chewing her lip. Occasionally frowning to herself, and blinking in confusion as she tried to think of a logical explanation for what has been going on.

Jesse was leaning with one elbow on the table, chin resting in her hand. Her other hand resting on the table's surface, one of her fingers tracing the grain in the wood.

"Listen, guys." Lukas said after a bit, looking up. "It's getting pretty late, and I have something I'd like to do before calling it a day. I'll catch you guys again later."

Petra only gave him a nod, wondering if he was going to try pestering Ivor for information again, or if he had some other crazy idea. A part of her wanted to jog after Lukas and hear his plan – either joining him if it was good, or talking him out of it if it was silly. But at that moment, she was tired and just not feeling like sticking her head deeper into the mess. A good night's sleep was due.

"Any idea where he is off to?" Jesse asked Petra as they heard the front door close behind Lukas.

"No clue." Petra replied matter-of-factly, sitting slightly back in her chair. She stifled a yawn, which seemed to be contagious, causing Jesse to yawn as well.

"I think I'm going to bed." Jesse said, standing up from her chair and raking her fingers through her mob of black hair. "See you tomorrow."

"Night." Petra replied, watching as Jesse walked out of the kitchen, heading in the direction of her bedroom.

The redhead let out a slow, tired exhale, shaking her head to herself. Deciding to retire her thoughts for the night, and continue puzzling over it the next morning.

She stood up from her chair, walking over to the sink and slowly filling up a glass of water for herself. Leaning back against the counter and taking a large gulp of the cool liquid.

Somewhere outside the window, a cricket was chirping. The occasional breeze causing the trees outside to rustle. It was so peaceful.

Petra placed her empty glass back in the sink, about to head to her own room for the night. But as she took a step forward, the moment her boot's sole touched the floor – Petra heard it.

A distinct rumbling, definitely not thunder. A sound that made her heart sink as she realised what was about to happen.

Petra squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the air around her shift. The cool evening air replaced by a warm, almost humid feeling. A faint smell of smoke and dust pricking her nostrils.

Taking a deep breath, Petra opened her eyes again. Slowly taking in where she was.

Almost instantly, Petra recognised Beacontown's mines. The sound of pickaxes hammering against stone in the distance, the faint bubbling of lava nearby.

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