Chapter 3 - A Short Time Together

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Chapter written by FanfictionalWarrior

"Petra!" Jesse greeted the redhead excitedly as she came to a skidding stop right beside them. Her eyes flickered slightly to the left. "Lukas!"

"I'm so glad the two of you dropped by!" Olivia said, clasping her hands together, a bright smile resting on her face.

"Yeah!" Axel agreed, grinning broadly.

Lukas glanced over at Petra, giving her a questioning glance. She just shrugged him off, turning to face the three people in front of her.

"Where, uh... where were the three of you heading?" She asked.

"Axel and Olivia are leaving again soon." Jesse said, her smile dimming a bit. "But hey, now that you and Lukas showed up too, we could make the rest of their stay even more worthwhile!" Her face lit back up. "When was the last time the five of us were actually doing something together?"

Petra could feel a delighted smile slinking onto her own face. "Oh, yes! We haven't done anything fun together in ages!"

Jesse turned her head in Lukas's direction, waiting for him to say something as well. For a second he just stood there, opened-mouthed, like he didn't know what to say. His blue eyes darted in Petra's direction like he expected her to say something else.

"Uh, yeah... s-sure I guess." He said uncertainly when she didn't speak up.

Jesse seemed a bit surprised by his hesitant behaviour, before just breaking into a smile again. "Come on then." She said, beckoning for Lukas and Petra to follow her, Axel and Olivia.

Petra took a step towards them, letting out a surprised gasp when something suddenly held her back by her arm.

"One second." Lukas said, pulling Petra back towards him a few more steps. "We'll be with you in a second!"

"The hell?" Petra hissed as they turned away from the other three, voices lowering so their conversation couldn't be overheard. "What's this about?"

"What's this about?" Lukas repeated her question in exasperation. "Petra, aren't you going to stop and question for a moment how this is even happening? You're just going with the flow, as if we weren't inside the Order Hall, in the middle of the night, a few seconds ago."

"And?" Petra asked, making Lukas's face drop. She sighed, shaking her head. "I know, I know. This is bizarre, but even so – we're still here now. Darting around anxiously isn't going to help us figure out what the hell happened. Let's just make the most of it, yeah?"

Lukas let out a long exhale, pulling his hand through his blonde hair. Uncertainty swirling in his eyes.

"You two done chit-chatting?" Axel called over to them. "We don't have forever, you know- Ow!" Jesse gave him a light elbow in the ribs to shut him up.

"Yup, coming!" Petra called back, walking straight past Lukas to join the group again. He let out another sigh, shaking his head again before following Petra over to the others again. After years of experience, he knew by now that there was no point in arguing with the warrior when she has made up her her mind.

"So where are we going?" Petra asked as she fell into step with the other three again, Lukas jogging up from behind to catch up as well.

"Just walking these two to the gates." Jesse replied, much to Petra's surprise.

"Woah now, hold up." She said, jogging to the front of the group and walking backwards to face them. "They're leaving right now? What happened to spending some time together?"

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