Chapter 2 - An Unlikely Event

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Chapter Written by eternal-eloquence


 "Behind you!"

Lukas heard Petra's exclamation of alarm right in the nick of time. He darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the potion that the witch had thrown in his direction. He breathed a sigh of relief, recollecting his composure and looking back at the others to see if they were okay.

He spotted Petra by the witch, her sword's blade still spurting blood from where she had plunged it into the witch's chest. He only barely saw her gag at the amount of blood coating the blade when he saw another figure by the hut's window. Oh no.

Oh no.

He rushed up to Jesse, gripping her arms as he supported her. Her eyes had a strange glow set on them, the usual dark green of her iris morphing into more of a yellow color to match the potion and staring bug-eyed at nothing in particular. Lukas had his eyes fixed on hers in worry, and he didn't need to rip his gaze to know that Petra was by his side in an instant.

"Jesse? Jesse, wake up." Petra placed a hand on Jesse's shoulder, trying to snap her from whatever daze the witch's potion had placed her in. It was rare, but Lukas could place that faint inkling of concern that lingered in Petra's voice whenever she was worried.

And now was quite the time to be. "Jesse?" Lukas muttered, gripping her arms tighter. Jesse's head lolled to the side, leaning on her left shoulder as her eyelids fluttered shut.

Without warning, her knees gave away and she slumped to the ground, helpless and unconscious. She dragged Lukas down with her slightly, causing him to stagger and let out a faint "Whoa!" before regaining his balance and staring at the unconscious bundle of armor and limbs in his arms.

"Crap," he heard Petra mumble, staring at where the two of them had collapsed to the ground. "We better get out of here fast."

Lukas gestured to Jesse in his arms by jerking his head to the side. "Uh, hello? What about Jesse?!"

"Can't you like—carry her or something?"


"Come on, Lukas, she's small. She's light."

"That's not what—"

"Now's not the time!"

Lukas huffed angrily, trying the ignore the faint blush that was growing on his cheeks. He reluctantly hoisted Jesse up bridal-style, making sure her head was nestled safely into the crook of his arm before nodding at Petra to signal that he was ready.

Of course, something like that would never escape unnoticed by Petra. She suppressed a smile, deciding to discuss the matter when the situation wasn't so dire.

"We'll have to go quick. It's still nighttime."

The only response Petra got from Lukas was a swift nod, as he prepared to exit the witch's hut, still carrying Jesse. Petra held the trapdoor open for him, watching as he treaded down the ladder carefully. She climbed into the trapdoor herself, scanning the hut one last time before lowering the trapdoor slowly over her head.

The moment they were spotted by mobs, they were swarmed. The mob spawning rate was highest during the late hours of the night and would gradually decrease as daytime neared. But it was just their luck that they'd decided to set off into the late evening.

The concentration of mobs, Lukas noticed, was most near the large red gates of Beacontown, much to their annoyance. He sighed and picked up the pace, Petra on his heels, as he occasionally had to stop for Jesse's sake or for being cornered. Petra sliced through them in an instant, briskly darting through the vast plains and towards the tall red gates.

A Living Nightmare - (MCSM FANFIC - Collab with eternal-eloquence) DISCONTINUED Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora