Chapter 4 - A Visit to the Lab

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Chapter written by eternal-eloquence

They landed on the ground in with a few pained grunts, the end result being a heap of limbs on the floor. Petra barely had time to process what had happened before a figure appeared in front of her, her hair tousled and her position set into a fighting stance. When Petra's eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness, not only did she see Jesse's looming form above her, but her diamond sword's blade pointed directly to her face.

The simultaneously gasped and inched away from each other as fast as they could, Lukas letting out an exclamation of surprise. Jesse let her arms drift back to her sides and her sword dangle with the point facing down.

"What just happened?" She immediately bombarded them with questions. "Where the hell were you guys? How did you end up on the floor? Weren't we supposed to go monster hunting?"

"Slow down there, sister," Petra said as she shoved Lukas gently to the side and got to her feet. "You tell us."

"What do you mean?"

"We did go monster hunting. You got hit by a witch's potion, Jesse," Lukas explained. "You were out cold. We brought you back here, and next thing we knew you were stirring in your sleep. Suddenly it was daytime again and we were all heading out of town with Axel and Olivia."

"Didn't Axel and Olivia leave yesterday?"


"W-wait. So I got hit with a witch's potion?"

"Yeah," Petra cut in. "It wasn't like one we've ever seen before. It was gold."

"Gold?" Jesse repeated anxiously.

Petra nodded. "Gold. Good news is, it doesn't seem to have any lasting effects. My guess is that it's meant to knock the victim out so the witch could finish them off." She headed over to Jesse and reassuringly patted her on the back. "See, Lukas? She's fine."

"Geez. Sorry that I was worried about her well-being, Petra." Lukas still wasn't entirely convinced.

"You guys said that you appeared in Beacontown with Axel and Olivia while it was daytime," Jesse recalled. "But I've been here the whole time. I just woke up now, and according to my sources—" she headed towards a nearby window and drew back the curtains, revealing a midnight sky with stars smattered across its surface, "—it's still nighttime. You guys must've been hallucinating."

"Sure, Jesse." Petra rolled her eyes. "Just like we hallucinated you getting hit by a golden potion that knocked you out on impact."

"Anything's possible."

"Shut up."

"What time is it, anyway?" Lukas intervened, glancing around for a clock.

"Late. It's late," Jesse answered for him.

"Okay...well, I guess I should head up for bed." Petra shrugged. "Though I'm not sure I'm going to be able to sleep after what happened..." she muttered to herself.

"You should probably get to bed, too, Jesse," Lukas said. Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"Why? I'm not tired," she challenged. Petra huffed. They should've known that Jesse wasn't going to go to bed that easily.


"I might as well get some paperwork done," Jesse sighed. "See you guys tomorrow."

And without a second glance, she was out the door.

This prompted a long pause from Lukas and Petra, who each stared at the door she had exited from.

"Well, that could have gone better."

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