- The Key And Its Lock

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2 months later, 10 years old

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2 months later, 10 years old

"Finn we need to be prepared for this." Millie said as she walked along a log in the woods.

"Mhm." Finn responded unamused. And he was, he couldn't care less about school, the thoughts that were keeping him quite were eating him alive.

"I mean it's 5th grade our last year in- Finn, what's wrong?" Millie asked since Finn is usually never quite, or at least he never not happily blabbers along with her, one time he didn't but that was because his goldfish died and Millie was there to comfort him, even though he didn't say anything. She knew Finn's parents have been in the process of getting a divorce and he would be more sad than usual but this is like guilt quite.

"I don't wanna talk about it Mills." He murmured as he kept walking towards the pond with a little anger in his step. What did I do? Millie thought as she just ran after him, since his long legs and strides made him 2x faster than the average person.

"Wait!" She said as she ran up to him and grabbed his shoulder only for him to shrug her hand away. Millie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Finn was always rude to people, but never to Millie, she had a spot in his heart that made him soft and gentle. This wasn't it.

"Finn, what the hell? Are you mad at me or what?" She said as her heavy feet now sunk in the sand and Finn turned around with raised brows.

"You? Millie get over yourself not everything is about you for once!" Finn yelled. At Millie. Millies eyes filled with hurt as she just walked past him towards the shore, her head down. Finn stood there and the little anger he had turned into a lot of guilt as he put his hand to his forehead and groaned.

"Oh my gosh, Mills, Mills, I'm sorry...it's just things at home are so bad right now. That's sorta why I brought you here but I so ruined it." He said as he walked up behind her. She didn't do anything, not even glance at him.

"Millie, Winnie Pooh. Come here." He said he used the nickname they came up with as 7 year olds, since Millie was sweet as honey he said her nickname should be Winnie Pooh. His friends would be throwing up at the cheesiness of this. But he wouldn't care,  Millie wasn't her bubbly self right now, she only stood there limp and hurt. Finn walked up to her and hugged her.

"Don't cry, I'm sorry." He said into her shoulder. Millie nodded, she wasn't gonna cry, she just felt the emotions of when you are about to cry. Your throat tightens and your muscles tense, trying so hard not to relax or you would show your weakness.

"I'm sorry Finn, I know you're going through stuff and I was selfish, I'm sorry to." Millie said, Finn just shook his head, they didn't say anything for the rest of their hug.

"Millie I have to tell you something." Finn said as they sat in the warm sand and their feet getting painted by the water. Millie hummed in response.

"Um, remember that I told you my dad was moving to Michigan after the divorce is finished." He said getting quieter by every word. Millie faces him and nodded.

"I'm...I'm going with him." Finn said as his voice started breaking. Millie sat there emotionless.

"What? No you're not." She responded and shook her head. Her eyebrows scrunching together and the words he just said started to sink in. She just shook her head as if it was going to shake away the words.

"I'm sorry Mills, my dad, he said he doesn't care, I'm going to leave, I'm not even going with my sister." He said, eyes filling with tears. Finn has always hated his father with a passion. Millie was Finns escape, his hard side would close and soft side opened with her.

"Finn." Millie breathily spoke as he just nodded as his eyes told the most sincere sorry anyone could produce. Millie's tears started to fall down her smooth olive skin. It hurt Finn more than anything to see Millie cry, that's the last thing he wanted. For her to mourn over him and take away her happiness. What were they gonna do? It's always been Millie and Finn, Finn and Millie since the beginning. Like the sun and the moon. They belong together, total opposites that need each other to work, to make sense. That this separation mentally, and more than all emotionally hurt them.

"When?" She asked, hopeful for a longer time to enjoy this magnificent person the universe gave her.

"In two weeks." Those three words tore their worlds down. 2 more weeks of each other. Millie sobbed at the words and lunged at Finn in a tight hug, only this one was probably the saddest.


Two weeks went by way faster than expected. Not that it was a long time anyway. Millie and Finn were together everyday. Enjoying their last sips of each other. Only that now that they knew they were most likely never going to see each other again. It was sad, and dull. Finally the day came when they had to let go.


"Fi-, Finn, I can't do this, I can't." Millie said as she held on to him tightly. You know how they say you do something so strongly like as if it's the last time they'll see each other. Well this was it. The "unbreakable" bond is being broken by the universe and time, but they belong together like a key and a lock. Without Millie, Finn wouldn't open, and without Finn, Millie wouldn't fit in. But who said life was fair?

"Millie. Mills. Look at me." Finn said, his voice on the verge of breaking, but he had to be strong for her. Millie looked up from the ground into his dark eyes.

"I will never forget you Winnie Pooh." Finn held her by the shoulders and mumbled comforting words meant for her but they were more useful to him. Millie nodded convincing herself that everything will be ok. Mille held him tight until the very last second she had with her best friend. They walked to the car together whilst hugging. When Finn was opening the car door Millie was still on his torso like a 3 year old, he laughed at the sight but got sad realizing how much he will miss this crazy ball of honey  of his. She got in the car with him and held his hand until their fingers finally departed, and the door shut. Millions of them. Memories, friendship, the car door. Most importantly Finn closed in that instant. And Millie felt alone.

"I miss you." They both said. Unspoken.

AN: the ending was rushed but, IM EXCITED and confused cuz I know how this is gonna go but...I'm lazyyyy
Opinions tho????

- Dani 🌞

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