- Bright Lights

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              Finn played with his fingers as his head tiredly leaned against the window

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       Finn played with his fingers as his head tiredly leaned against the window. The road was a bit bumpy causing his curls to ever so often shake, and his head to roughly hit the window. The trees were scattering the moonlight as the cool light reflected Finns pale face. His eyes were drooping as his muscles relaxed, when the bus came to halt. Finns body lunged towards the seat in front of him and his body jerked awake.

"Aghhh!" Finn said quite loudly, causing heads to turn and a blush to form on his cheeks. Then he hears light footsteps down the aisle and stopping right at his seat. Finns forehead was still against the seat in front of him as he peeked at the person standing there. It was a girl, she had on white converse and then, bare legs. His eyes traveled up her body to find a navy flowy dress with white flowers and a deep cleavage. Her tan glowy skin brought Finn in a daze.

"Umm, are you gonna say anything?" The girl said as her faded pink hair came into view.

"Am I supposed to?" Finn said awkwardly with a raspy and deep sleepy voice. The girls eyes widened and her pink lips held a small smirk.

"I mean, I asked if I could sit here. Unless, you want me to leave." The girl said as she leaned down, showing the purposes of the deep cut in her dress, that Finn surely was thankful for.

"Of course you can sit here, my apologies." Finn said with a purposely deeper voice, as he also had a smirk on his face. The girl teasingly sat down and her dress rode up making Finn bite his lip.

"So what's your name?" The pink haired girl said as she fluttered her eyelashes. Fake, but hot as fuck, Finn thought as he pursed his lips looking her up and down. There had been many girls that he made out with or when he really needs his mind off things and cigarettes don't help, he gets laid. All of them are usually blonde and basic. He never kissed a girl that reminded him of her, he just couldn't.

"Finn Wolfhard." He said calmly.

"Iris Apatow." Iris said as she smiled, her red lips taunting Finn.

"So Finn, whats your damage?" Iris asked with a tilt of her head. Finn just looked at her and shrugged.

"Life sucks." Is all he said and Iris just scoffed and leaned back into the seat.

"No shit Sherlock." She said as Finn for the first time, chuckled.

"Shut the hell up apatow." He said and rolled his shoulders to make himself comfortable in the stiff seat. Finns eyes started drooping again so he asked his last questions.

"Where are you going?" He said dully as Iris also had her eyes closed and hummed.

"Georgia." She said, Finn smiled to himself.

"Give me your number." He said emotionless which caught Iris by surprise. It stayed silent for a moment and Finn peeked one eye open.

"Ummm, are you gonna say something?" Finn said, mocking her from a couple minutes before. Iris furrowed her eyebrows and then smiled.

"Oh yes, my apologies." She said sassily as she pulled a blue pen out of her purse and took the lid off with her teeth, keeping it there. She grabbed Finns arm and pulled up the sleeve of his jacket, she wrote her number on his arm and smiled.

"Ok lover boy, now go back to sleep." The sassy voice of Iris was the last thing Finn heard until he drifted into a long and deep slumber.

The sound of feet shuffling and grumbled voices woke Finns senses as he fluttered his eyelids open, the fluorescent sunlight blinding him. He arched his back to feel a weight on his right shoulder. Finn looked to see the familiar faded pink hair and the smell of cheap vanilla perfume. The thought of last night came to him as he checked his wrist and saw the sharp blue numbers on his pale wrist.

"Umm, Iris wake up." Finn said in a normal voice, as he poked her bare shoulder quite sharply. Iris bolted awake in shock as she furrowed her filled in eyebrows and moaned.

"Shit Finn could you be a little nicer?" She said as she blindly fixed her hair, only for it not to really help. Finn shrugged his shoulders in response with his bottom chapped lip sticking out.

"Ok well, I'm sorry I guess. But we're here." Finn said in his usual monotone voice. Iris raised her eyebrows in amusement, then rolled her eyes.

"No shit Sherlock."


Millie was roughly tossed around by multiple students as she held her books tightly to her chest.

"Excuse me." She said through gritted teeth as her fellow peers were on her last nerves. Like everyday, the bell rang, students flowed into the hallway like a dam let loose, and Millie being shorter than half the students was trampled over. She said excuse me nicely, but her patience doesn't last long until she's viciously pushing people out of the way. Millie was speed walking through people hearing, remarks and comments on her rude ways to get though the ocean of people. Then Millie's glasses were roughly pushed against her nose causing her to groan.

"What, the fu- Caleb! Hey!" She said as she rubbed her nose with her hand but held a smile.

"What's up Happy feet?." Caleb's deep voice said as he saw Millie's eyes closed and the bridge of her nose red.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you ok?" He said sweetly as he brought her in a warm hug as she nodded.

"No, it's my fault. I was rushing as per usual. But what's up with you? You've been...distant from the group." Mille said.

"Oh yeah. It's because a friend is coming to live with me today actually so I'm leaving right now." Caleb said as he pointed to his backpack straps.

"Ooh! Well I hope we get to meet him one day, If he's ok with it." Millie said as her shoulders raised in excitement. At times like these Millie would erupt in smiles, her friends are the only thing that brightened up her day.

"Yeah, we'll see, I don't know if he's ready for you and your balls of smiles. He's more of a, serious person so yeah." Caleb said with a tilt of his head and a raised brow.

"I'm not a ball of smiles Caleb, you know I'm like the most sarcastic bitch there is." Millie's said in a knowing tone.

"Yeah but you can be, it's just you, happy feet." Caleb said with a teasing smirk. Millie opened her mouth only to close it, knowing he's right.

"Shut up."

(Not proofread)
AN: I'm sorry, so my parents literally took us on a surprise vacation. And it was IN THE MOUNTAINS WITH NO SIGNAL. So I'm sorry, I also had writers block soo. But this is a shitty chapter so im sorryyy.

- Dani 🌞

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