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"Natsu... hey get up." Natsu whimpered and hugged whatever was keeping him warm, closer to him.
"C'mon man, I have to pee." Natsu rubbed his eyes and sat up.
"Yeah it's me." Natsu layed back down and hugged Gray's arm close to him.
"Sstoo early..."

"I don't think you realize the severity of the situation. Let go, I have to take a piss." Gray tried to pry Natsu off his arm, but he just held on tighter.
"Dude c'mon! I've been holding it for two hours just so you could sleep!" Natsu showed no signs of letting go.

"God damnit..." Gray began to stand up as Natsu clung to his arm desperately.
"Happy! Get him off please!" Happy bolted awake and looked around frantically.
"W-what's going on?"
"Just grab him!"
"Why? What happened?"
"Nothing, I just have to take a fucking piss!" Happy flew over and pulled Natsu off of Gray.

"Nooooo!" Natsu cried as he reached out for Gray.
"I'll be right back!" Gray yelled as he ran off to the bathroom. Natsu struggled in Happy's arms before growing tired and laying back down.
"He'll be right back." Happy tried to calm Natsu as he began whimpering.

Natsu gripped his arms tightly as he waited in silence. Happy tried to get Natsu to loosen his grip so he wouldn't hurt himself.
"He'll be back in a minute, Natsu." Happy was trying to calm him down as his nails started to dig into his arms.
"I-I can't g-get it out of m-my head..." Natsu whimpered and closed his eyes.
"It won't l-leave." Happy looked around frantically just as Gray walked back in the room.

"Natsu what's wrong?" He quickly made his way back over to the bed and climbed in. Natsu curled up next to him and hugged Gray's arm as he began crying.
"L-last night I-I had a nightm- no memory a-and..." Gray pulled him into his lap as Natsu began sobbing into his shoulder.

Gray rubbed his back soothingly as Natsu pulled Happy into his arms.
"Want to talk about it?" Gray asked, but he already knew the answer.
"I-I can't... I want to b-but I can't..." Natsu snuggled closer to Gray as he wiped at his eyes.
"It's ok, you don't have to tell me." Gray smiled reassuringly as Natsu buried his face back in his shoulder.

"J-just tell me that she's go-ne..." Natsu choked out as Gray looked at him with concern. Natsu has never once given any sort of clue about his past. This was all new to Gray.
"Pl-ease!" Natsu sobbed as he held onto Gray tightly as Happy cried silently.
"Tell me she's g-gone! That she's n-never coming ba-ck! Th-that she c-can't hurt m-me anymo-re!" Natsu sobbed as Gray wiped away some of his tears.

"She's gone Natsu. She can't hurt you anymore... she's gone..." Natsu tried to steady his breathing as Gray played with his hair and rubbed his back.
"She's gone, and she's not coming back." Gray whispered as Natsu smiled slightly.
"T-thank you..."

Natsu stayed in Gray's arms for a while until he calmed down enough to speak more clearly.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered and leaned his head on Gray's chest.
"What for?"
"I shouldn't have involved you..." Natsu sniffled as Gray felt a tear land on his hand.
"Oh nonononnono! Don't you dare start crying again! You're smile is too beautiful to just hide from everyone." Natsu felt his cheeks heat up as he looked at Gray who's eyes were slightly red and puffy.
"Then... you shouldn't cry either."

Gray inhaled deeply before placing his hands on Natu's shoulders.
"How can you he this fucking precious?" Happy squirmed out of Natsu's grip giggling.
"You liiiiiiiiii-" Gray quickly covered the cat's mouth and glared at him.
"Weren't you just crying a minute ago?"
"Yeah, but Natsu's happy now which means I'm happy." Gray rolled his eyes and began to climb off the bed.

"Wait where are you-"
"I'm gonna go make us breakfast. You coming?" Gray held out his hand as Natsu grabbed it and followed him to the kitchen, Happy following behind and giggling.
"What are you laughing at?" Gray questioned. Happy giggled again and pointed at Gray.
"You're naked!" Happy cackled as Gray looked down and noticed that he was in fact naked.

"Ah fuck!" He glanced over at Natsu who had a hand over his eyes and his face was extremely red.
"I'll be right back!" Gray shouted as he ran back to his room. Natsu walked into the kitchen still trying to recover.
"You should be used to this by now." Happy pointed out as Natsu sighed.
"I shouldn't have to be used to it!"
"You know you liked it." Happy teased as Natsu glared and threw a random shirt he found on the floor at him.

Gray walked back into the room, fully clothed this time, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah uh... sorry about that." He chuckled as he opened up the fridge.
"It's fine."
"Natsu, your voice cracked." Happy whispered as Natsu swatted him away.

"What do you want to eat?" Gray called over as Happy sat up excitedly.
"Of course you do... anyway what about you Natsu?"
"Oh um, a-anything is fine." He replied as Gray shrugged and began taking out pancake mix.

"What toppings do you want?" Gray asked as he looked through the fridge.
"All of them!" Natsu jumped around in his seat excitedly. Gray chuckled and got out about eight different toppings as Natsu poured them all on his plate singing quietly to himself.
"Blue berries, raspberries, chocolate chips too. Strawberries, bananas, ciiiiiiinnamon. Add them all together with syrup on top!"

"The pancakes aren't even done yet." Gray laughed and watched as Natsu had his tounge sticking out, deep in concentration as he continued to drown his plate in syrup.
"The worst part is that you didn't even rhyme!" Happy said horrified. Natsu glared at him and threw a syrup covered blueberry at him.

"Hey, don't get my table covered in syrup." Gray called as Happy dipped his paws in syrup.
"Natsu wha-" Natsu's plate was overflowing at this point as he mashed up everything and stirred.
"That's disgusting..." Gray grimaced as Natsu poured more cinnamon into the paste like substance from the hell that he had created.

"What even..."
"It's my own creation!" Natsu said proudly as Gray handed him a plate of pancakes and Natsu poured the disgusting plate of syrup all over his breakfast. Happy leaned over and stuck his paw in it then tasted it.
"That's good Natsu!" Happy cried as Natsu smiled and began eating.
"Ewwww." Gray had to look away at this point.
"Just hurry up and eat so we can go to the guild." Natsu leaned over and poured some of his syrup on Gray's pancakes.

"What the hell!"
"Either eat it or starve!" Natsu laughed evily.
"I hate you." Gray mumbled as Natsu smiled.
"Love you too!" Gray choked as Natsu looked at him innocently. Natsu was gonna be the death of him. Either by being cute or this poison he poured on his plate. Only time would tell.

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