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Gajeel and Wendy are in this story and maybe some others idk yet

"You're leaving?" Natsu whimpered as Gray looked at the job request in his hand.
"It's only a solo job, so it shouldn't take too long." Natsu stood holding Happy in his arms as Gray locked the door behind him, turned and started walking towards the train station.
"Can't I come with you?"
"Please? I- I know it's a solo job but... can't I just... come with you?"
"The train ride is over five hours... but you can come if you want." Natsu grimaced and shook his head.

"But I don't want to be a-alone..."
"You won't be alone. You'll have the whole guild. Besides Erza should be there. And isn't there that new girl you brought to the guild?"
"Yeah. She seems nice enough, so try to make friends while I'm gone."
"This isn't the first time I've been on a solo job Natsu. You'll be fine." Gray chuckled as Natsu whined.

"Can't you just stay?"
"I'm broke and need the money, so no." Natsu remained silent as Gray sighed.
"Want me to walk you to the guild?" Natsu's face lit up as he smiled.
"Y-yes please."

They walked in mostly silence besides the occasional comment from Happy, but when the Guild came into view Natsu's eyes began to water.
"Oi, flamebrain what's wrong?" Natsu looked down at the ground as he began crying.
"W-what if I have an-another nightmare while you're g-gone? You're not g-gonna be here f-or at least a d-day..." Gray quickly brought him into a hug.

"It'll be alright, yeah? I'll be back before you know it. If you get scared, you know Erza will protect you. And if you get too overwhelmed by the noise you can go to Gramps and stay in his office till you're ok."
"He's probably tired of me..." Natsu whimpered as Gray brushed some of the hair from his face.
"You know Gramps thinks of us as his kids. He'd never get tired of you Natsu."

Gray pulled away from the hug.
"I have to go now, you'll be fine." He smiled and waved as Natsu watched him walk away.
"You hate to see him leave, but love to watch him walk away." Happy whispered before breaking out in a fit of laughter.
"Aren't you supposed to be helping me!?" Natsu whined. Happy said nothing as he began dragging Natsu into the guild.

"C'mon let's go see Erza!" They entered the guild and Natsu glanced around feeling anxiety start to bubble in the pit of his stomach. Happy flew over to Mirajane to ask where Erza was while Natsu tried to avoid the people wanting to talk to him. Sure he loved his guildmates, but he was really bad at talking to them. Or just anyone in general. He made his way over to one of the back tables where Gajeel and Wendy were sitting.

"Natsu-san!" Wendy waved him over. Natsu kept his head down as he walked over, trying to avoid everyone's gaze.

"There's the salamander." Gajeel said with a grin as he pulled him into a chair and ruffled his hair. Natsu let a hint of a smile show as Wendy joined the hug.

"You haven't been to the guild much lately, are you feeling ok?" Wendy asked and placed her hand on his forehead.

"You don't look sick." She stated.
"I'm fine, just a little on edge I guess."
"That's ok bud, you don't have to be fine all the time." Gajeel said as he sat back and took a drink. Happy flew over and settled into Natsu's arms with a frown on his face.

"Mirajane said that Erza left on a mission about two hours ago." Natsu began to feel nervous as he looked around the room at all the people.

"How long is she gonna be gone?" He whispered and clutched Happy tightly.
"A few hours, but she'll be back today." Natsu started getting restless as the number of people in the guild seemed to keep getting bigger by the second.

"Natsu, hey what's wrong?" Gajeel asked trying to hide his worried expression.

"Th- there's a l- lot of people here..." He whispered and closed his eyes. Gajeel stood up abruptly and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, let's go outside yeah? Get some fresh air." He helped Natsu stand who was refusing to open his eyes.
"Wendy go on ahead and open the doors."

"Y- yeah ok." She ran quickly as Gajeel lead Natsu towards the door and Happy spoke encouragingly to Natsu.

"Hey, is Natsu ok?" Natsu heard someone say. It sounded like Levy.
"I think he's just a bit overwhelmed without Gray or Erza here." Gajeel replied though they never stopped walking. They said something else, but Natsu had stopped listening. He felt fresh air blow against his face and he took a deep breath.

"There you go, c'mon salamander." Gajeel rubbed his back as they sat down against the wall. Natsu took a moment to breathe and finally opened his eyes. Wendy was in front of him using her wind magic to help him breathe.

"Are you ok?" Gajeel asked once more and Natsu nodded his head. They all sat in silence for a minute, knowing that they shouldn't overwhelm him with too much talking at the moment.

"Thank you..." Natsu whispered after a few minutes of silence.
"No problem." Gajeel grinned as Wendy smiled and nodded happily.
"We're glad to help Natsu-san." It was quiet for a moment before Levy opened the door and stepped outside.

"Hey Natsu." She waved as Natsu waved back.
"H- hi Levy."
"Mind if I join you guys?" Natsu patted the spot next to him and Gajeel as Levy walked over and sat down with a book in her hand. Natsu perked up when he saw what book it was.

"Wanna read the next chapter with me?" Natsu nodded excitedly as Gajeel and Wendy smiled to themselves. Levy seated herself close to Gajeel and held out the book so they could all see.

"Chapter ten, Caged. Ember's eyes slowly opened as he raised his stiff arm to block out the sun. Blood dripped from the tips of his fingers, falling down towards his face. Your turn." She nudged Natsu who leaned over and began reading.

"The pain in his leg was becoming u... un... what's that word?"
"Unbearable." He repeated, "He sat up slowly and blinked, taking in his sur... surroundings. He tried to stretch out his arms, only to feel the cold ummm" He pointed at the word on the page.

"Oh. Iron bars. He sat up feeling sudden panic wash over him. Not again. Not another cage."

Gajeel watched as the two switched back and forth reading with a sad smile on his face. The look in Natsu's eyes, like he was connecting with the character was heartbreaking.

Look I actually updated
It's been 85 years

Anyway the book they were reading was one that was actually my first book on Wattpad but I deleted it for whatever reason. I might rewrite it if I ever finish all my fanfics

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