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"Natsu c'mon! It won't be that bad." Natsu shook his head and Happy tugged on his arm with all his might.
"We're gonna miss the train!" Natsu just wrapped his arms around the lamppost tighter.

"Lucy help me!" Happy screamed as he lost his grip and flew backwards. Lucy stepped around him as he sat up catching his breath. She put her hand on his shoulder and he tried not to flinch away.
"It'll be okay Natsu, it's only half an hour." Natsu fidgeted nervously, looking back and forth between the train and Lucy.
"H- half an... I- ok..." He muttered and only hesitated for a second before he let go of the lamppost and stepped up nervously to the train.

"Are you kidding me!?" Happy yelled and perched himself on Natsu's shoulder.
"Suck up." Happy whispered and Natsu stuck out his tongue out at him.

They boarded the train and took their seats farthest away from everyone. Lucy sat next to the window and Natsu sat across from her. He looked around him and held his scarf tightly. The train lurched forward as it was preparing to take off and Natsu closed his eyes.

"Wai- already?" Happy put his paw on his leg as the train started moving.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." He whimpered and clutched his stomach.

"Hey, Natsu c'mere." She waved him over with her hand as she began rummaging around in her bag. He stood up slowly and gripped the edge of his seat when he felt another wave of nausea hit him. He took a few deep breaths before swallowing the bile in the back of his throat. Happy nudged him and he finally sat down next to Lucy.

"Here." She pulled out a bottle of pills.
"They're for motion sickness. I couldn't really afford any of the good kind, so these don't last very long." Natsu opened it and looked into the bottle.
"How many should I take?" He clutched his stomach again.
"I think two should be fine." He poured some out in his hand, putting a third pill back in the bottle, then put the two in his mouth.

"Oh, do you need water?" He shook his head and swallowed them dry. Lucy layed his head on her lap and started playing with his hair. His eyes widened and he looked at Happy for help. The blue feline just hoped across the table and curled up next to them.

Natsu remained tense, ready to bolt if something happened. His eyes scanned over the train. Most people were in the train car ahead of them. He was alone with Lucy and Happy. He glanced up at Lucy, her head was resting against the window of the train. She seemed fine, even with the train rocking around, while it made Natsu's stomach churn.

He tried to forget about the train and focused on Lucy's hands in his hair. They were gentle and caring. Everyone else was always careful around him, like he might break if they said or did something wrong. It felt different being with Lucy. It didn't feel like she was being careful, just caring. It reminded him of Maggie. He didn't know what he was supposed to do right now. He didn't feel scared for once, only nervous.

He tensed up again as one of her hands traced down his arm, landing on his waist. He froze. Holding his breath, he looked down at Happy who just stretched and snuggled against his side. His eyes darted around and he tried to steady his breathing. He closed his eyes tightly, focusing on the feeling of the hand in his hair, and on his side. He felt himself relax, even if it was just a little.

Happy looked up at Lucy and saw a small smile on her lips. He closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.

Time skip (After their mission)

"Natsu wake up. We're back." Happy pawed at his face and the train slowed to a stop.

"Where... " He yawned and Happy tried to push him off the seat.

"We can get off the train now." Natsu jumped out of his seat and practically ran out of the train. Lucy stretched her arms out before standing up and exiting the train with Happy.

"It's kind of late to be going back to the guild. I think I'm gonna head home." Lucy waves and starts walking off.

"Bye Lucky!" Happy waves and she glares back at him.
"B- bye Lucy." Natsu gives a timid wave and she smiles, waving back.

"So." Happy says as he starts flying in the direction of their home.
"So what?"
"So, good mission?"
"I... I guess it wasn't terrible..." Natsu looks down at the ground and Happy chuckles.
"What should we get for dinner?"
"FISH!" Happy screams.

Another time skip because I can (It's like the middle of the night)

"Natsu what are you doing out here?" Happy sat down next to him in front of the house. The grass was wet and cold. Natsu just shrugged and plucked a piece of grass from the ground.

"Did you have a nightmare?"
"No... I just can't sleep. I want to go for a walk..."
"Right now?"

"Hold on, you need warmer clothes, it's freezing out here. You need a jacket on at least."
"I don't own a jacket."
"Well, I'm sure Gray left one here at some point." Happy tugs on his arm and they go back inside to start looking for a jacket.

"Couldn't I just wrap a blanket around my shoulders?"
"I guess you could." Happy calls over as he lifts up random stuff in the house.

"Hey I found one!" He tosses a pillow out of the way and picks up a navy colored jacket. Natsu walks over and takes the jacket from him. He brings it up to his nose and sniffs.
"Yup, this is Gray's alright." He puts it on and starts walking to the door.
"Lets go." Happy flew into his jacket, his head sticking out at the neck of it, and Natsu started walking.

After a while they got to a neighborhood next to a river. There was a bridge connecting the sides. Natsu hopped up on the brick edging around the river. He held his arms out to his sides to balance, and started walking. A small boat rowed by and called out to him.

"Be careful, you don't want to fall in!" He jumped a bit and turned to look at them.
"Oh, I- I will. Thanks." He looked down at his feet and kept walking.

He lifted his head as he got a whiff of something.
"Do you smell that Happy?"
"Mm hm. Smells like Lucy!" Natsu followed the smell to a nice looking apartment.

"I think she lives here. Let's go visit her!" Happy said like there was nothing weird about visiting someone at one in the morning. He climbed out of the jacket and grabbed onto Natsu, getting ready to fly.

"Ready?" Natsu nodded and they flew up the window.
"Hey, It's unlocked." They climbed in and looked around.
"All the lights are off maybe she's sleeping."
"I mean... it is pretty late."
"She has a lot of nice stuff." Happy commented as he clawed at the couch leg.
Natsu walked into the kitchen and started opening cabinets.
"Are you hungry?" He asks as Happy flies in.
"Yeah kind of." They grab a few snacks and settle down on the couch. They eat, and after not too long, they fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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