Strawberry Basil Margarita - Mira x Erza

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima

When We Take Different Paths
Pairing: Mira x Erza
Prompt: Flirt

Strawberry Basil Margarita

"ERZA, PHONE!" Natsu's annoyed voice pierced through the music she was listening to with her headphones. She looked up in surprise. Who would be calling her?

Her younger brother came into her room phone in hand, boyfriend joined at the hip as always. Neither one of them was wearing a shirt.

"Can you both please wear some clothes?" Erza asked, irritated by their constant disregard for her presence."There are ladies present."

"Where?" Gray, Natsu's boyfriend, grinned at her good naturedly. She wished she could be annoyed with him but he had been a fixture in their lives for so long that she accepted him as a part of their family.

"Here, it's Lucy." Natsu handed her the phone. "She sounds excited about something." He rolled his eyes at his sister and made a gesture with his hand that implied that Lucy had been talking his ear off about something. Their task done, both boys left her room.

"Hello, Lucy," Erza spoke into the phone., "What can I do for you?"

"Erza, want to go out tonight?" Lucy asked, tone hopeful. "There's this club, and Cana said she might be there, but I don't want to go by myself."

"I don't know, Lucy. I have work tomorrow."

"Please. I'll pay for all your drinks." Lucy immediately offered, trying to entice her friend into coming out with her.

"It's not about that Lucy, I just.... I already have plans," Erza hedged, hoping her friend would leave it at that.

"Oh really, what plans are those?" Natsu had come back into the room and was shamelessly listening to her conversation as he ate an apple.

"I..I was going to read that book I'd been telling you about."

"Really, Erza?" Natsu frowned at her. He quickly grabbed the phone from his sister. "What time should she be ready Lucy?" He listened into the phone."An hour, got it. I'll make sure she's ready. Yeah, I've got this. Bye."

"Why would you tell her I was going? I don't want to go out." Erza crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at her younger brother.

Natsu began to sort through Erza's closet as he talked. "Look, I know you're still hurting but you've been hiding in here long enough. Go out, have fun with Lucy."

"I'm not hiding," Erza humphed. "And don't even try to pretend that you getting me out of here is in any way altruistic. You just want to have the apartment to yourselves."

Natsu chuckled. "Please, like your being here has ever stopped us."

Erza's face flared red and she tried to hide her embarrassment by entering her closet and violently shoving clothes aside. She often wondered how on Earth they could be related. Natsu was so blasé when it came to sex and relationships, whereas she turned into a tomato at the mere suggestion of anything remotely untoward.

Natsu laughed at her discomfort and pulled her into a bear hug. "Go jump in the shower, Gray and I will pick you out something good. You're going to go out and you're going to have fun. You deserve this, okay?" He squeezed one last time before letting her go.

"Please don't pick anything too suggestive. I'm just going for one drink." Erza began, but her brother waved her off towards the bathroom, by now used to her anxiety.

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