Hidden Scars - Silver x Gildarts

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong To Hiro Mashima

When We Take Different Paths Week 2 - MLM/Slash

Prompt: Day 1- Scars

Pairing: Silver x Gildarts

Note: This is loosely based on Silver and Gildarts in my To Kill A Dragon series and will be part of Dragon Drabbles.

Hidden Scars

"Out here again?" Gildarts Clive asked as he found the newest member of Fairy Tail, Silver Fullbuster, sitting on the grassy field behind the guild. He was illuminated by the moonlight, his pale skin almost glowing, brooding as only a Fullbuster seemed to be able to manage. He had a beer stein in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

When Gildarts had returned from his latest mission he had been surprised by several things. The guild being destroyed yet again was not much of a surprise, however it being disbanded had been. He was proud that both Laxus and Erza had stepped up to take over Master's duties, he had watched them grow and he felt they were well equipped to handle the challenges, hell they'd do better than he ever could have. The thing that had really surprised him was that they had managed to gain a new member, a former Demon Gate of Tartaros of all things. Despite his initial reservations, the fact that this person was not only close enough to his age to become an actual friend but also Gray's father had quickly worn down his distrust. Had made him want to stick around longer than the usual amount of time it took until Cana got annoyed with him. They had quickly become drinking buddies and Gildarts now spent more time at the Guild, much to Cana's chagrin.

He looked over at his new friend and tried not to ogle him. He had to admit Silver was an attractive man, one he found very interesting. Gildarts was well known for his playboy ways when it came to women but he had kept his occasional attraction to men a secret. He could easily see that his friend was troubled and he wanted to help so he put all inappropriate thoughts aside for the moment.

"Still too much?" Gildarts asked knowingly as he took a swig from his beer and sat down next to the Ice Devil Slayer, patting his shoulder roughly.

Silver Fullbuster nodded, looking at the only friend he had really made since joining the Fairy Tail Guild. He had tried to stay in the guildhall longer this time but it was still too much. The people inside were nice enough but they were rowdy and after spending years as part of the Tartaros Guild he was used to solitude and quiet. Realistically wasn't that what your afterlife was supposed to be like? And by all effects he should be dead, had been dead until the actions of a deranged necromancer had brought him back into this world.

"They say those things will kill you." Gildarts commented as he watched Silver puff at his cigarette and slowly exhale the foul smelling smoke.

"They're a little too late don't you think?" Silver retorted.

"Do you want to die?" Gildarts asked curiously.

"Yes... No... I'm fine, really." Silver assured the crash mage. hoping that in doing so Gildarts would leave him alone to his thoughts.

"Sure you are." Gildarts smirked. "Your resemblance to Gray is uncanny."

"Yes, he looks much as I did when I was his age."

"That's not what I meant." Gildarts leveled his eyes at the Ice Devil Slayer. "You're both incapable of processing emotions. Is that an ice magic thing?"

"I wouldn't know, I didn't have magic before."

"Is that a fact?" Gildarts whistled. "Did your wife?"

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