In Living Memory - Gray x Natsu

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima

When We Take Different Paths Week 2 MLM/Slash

Pairing: Gray x Natsu

Prompt: Memories

In Living Memory

"I can't believe you're getting married before I am." Lucy said looking at the two of us wistfully.

"I can't believe the two of you are getting married," Erza shook her head, her smile warm and proud. She'd already smashed us against her armor when she'd heard the news.

Happy snickered and let out one of his favorite phrases to say whenever he was around us. "They're in loooooooooooooove!." He smiled at us as he munched on his fish. He had been the first we had told and that had made him feel secure in his place. He couldn't be happier.

Natsu grunted at him and held on to me for dear life as the train started moving and his motion sickness began to affect him.

"Shh love, I've got you." I kissed the top of his head and placed my hand on the back of his neck letting the cold relax him and cool him down enough to overpower the nausea. He molded himself against me with a small grunt of thanks. I smiled into his head as I kissed it again."I'll always have your back."

I still couldn't believe that he had agreed so easily. I looked down at the rings that were on both our fingers. Neither one of us had wanted to come on this job, but Lucy needed rent money and we couldn't just abandon her, not even to celebrate our engagement. We were going to have a party at the guild when we returned though.

We arrived at our destination. There was nothing out of the ordinary at first, we had been walking hand in hand, laughing at each others' stupid jokes, still too drunk on the events of the previous night to bicker about anything.

The girls were walking ahead of us to give us some privacy. We were just headed to the hotel before we started looking for the members of the dark guild we were supposed to take down. But Natsu, he's always alert with those damn senses of his and he must have heard something because next thing I know he was running as fast as he could towards Lucy.

I chased after him, readying for a fight the moment I noticed he was focused on something. I was left behind as he propelled himself using his flame jets. He was just in time to position himself in front of Lucy, arms crossed in a blocking stance.

It all happened so fast.

The rest of us stood there, ready to fight, but not knowing what we were up against. The first attack came, seemingly out of nowhere. It was a large burst of magic, black in color and carrying an overwhelming smell, like rotting meat. It was like no magic we had ever encountered before and it went right through Natsu's block and straight to his chest.

He wobbled briefly, shaking his head as if to clear it before going on a full out assault on the five men that had managed to surround us as we'd watched the initial attack on Natsu. They were all wearing the same style of black cloak, the mark of their guild emblazoned on them. It was the men we had been looking for, they had somehow found us first.

We were all a bit shook at how easily the attack had pierced Natsu's block but we fought hard, our years of training moving our bodies in familiar patterns. Natsu took out the mage that had attacked him while the rest of us went after the others. The Rune Knights arrived quickly probably alerted by the sound of fighting.

We'd managed to complete our job before we even checked in to a hotel. We'd all started talking excitedly about the party that would begin as soon as we returned to the guild when we first noticed that Natsu wasn't alright.

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