Come What May - Natsu x Gray, Bisca x Alzac

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Disclaimer: All Fairy Tail Characters Belong to Hiro Mashima

When We Take Different Paths
Week 4 - Sexual Identities
Prompt - Coming Out

Come What May

"Mommy, am I going to get to wear a pretty dress?" Five year old Asuka asked from the back seat of the car. She was very excited at the prospect of attending her first wedding, her little body bouncing in her car seat.

"Of course, honey. You know your uncles love to see you in a dress," Bisca answered.

Asuka hummed to herself as she played with some of the toys that had been placed in the back seat for the long ride.

"So there's something we wanted to talk to you about, Asuka," Bisca began. "You know what love is right?"

"Yes, mommy. It's like when you and daddy kiss," Asuka said as she wrinkled her nose, causing her three year old brother to giggle. "It's gross."

"You won't always think it's gross," Alzack laughed from the driver's seat.

"Anyway, yes that's part of it but there's more to it than that. Love is a feeling. It's something you feel when you meet someone that is special to you. You want to be with them all the time and they make you want to be the best that you can be."

Asuka looked a little more interested.

"The important thing to understand is that it's not something you can control. It can happen between any two people."

"Right, then they get married and become mommies and daddies and have babies. I know this already," Asuka said, sounding bored.

"Yes, it can happen that way, but when I say it can happen between any two people I mean any two people. It can be two boys or two girls just as easily as it can be a boy and a girl."

Asuka's eyes opened wide at this information. "So, two boys can be in love or two girls?"

"That's right, and that's okay because the love is what's important, not the who."

Alzack looked back for a second to see Asuka's reaction.

"So Uncle Natsu and Uncle Gray are in love?"

"Yes of course, that's why we're going to their wedding."

"So they're going to get married and become daddies and have babies?" Asuka asked, her tone thoughtful.

"Uhm, maybe someday? That's a conversation for another day. Today we're talking about love."

Asuka remained quiet for a long while, long enough for her parents to think she had fallen asleep.

"It's still weird."

"What is, honey?" Bisca asked.

"Boys being in love." Asuka seemed thoughtful. "Do they kiss?"

"Yes, haven't you seen Uncle Natsu and Uncle Gray kiss? They do it all the time." Bisca reminded her with a smile.

"It's gross." Asuka wrinkled her nose.

"Well at least you're consistent." Alzac laughed at his five year old daughter's observations on love. Twenty minutes later both kids had fallen asleep and Bisca found herself thinking back to the years she had lived in Boston, when everything was so new and Natsu had come into her life.

She had left the subway stop and walked onto the campus, looking everywhere for a directory so that she could find where the Cullinane Hall building was located. The building she was looking for was located on the other side of the campus and she made her way over there, paying careful attention as she got lost easily. She would be one of the oldest students in the Computer Science department since she had enrolled as an undergraduate. She finally arrived at the building she thought was the correct one and stood in front of it nervously.

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