Some Assembly Required

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  "[Name]!" Keith shouted, shaking you rapidly and your eyes widen, snapping open, "Zarkon is attacking!" "I'm not dressed though!" You shouted over the beeping, Keith pulling back the covers and seeing you wear one of his shirts and black spandex. "Let's go!" Keith yelled, grabbing your wrist and running off with you. "Go, go, go! We need Voltron now!" You heard Allura's voice throughout the castle, Keith running at a fast pace, "Hurry! We can't survive much longer!" "Keith, slow down!" You pleaded, trying to keep up with his face space and he ignored your pleas.

You and Keith with pretty much everyone else except Lance, standing in the control room as Coran is on his knees with Allura standing next to him. "Oh, I know! If only Voltron had been formed," Coran said, acting dramatically then noticing you and everyone, "Oh! Time!" "I guess this isn't an actual attack," Shiro said, wearing his suit with his helmet in his hand. You and Hunk still in your pajamas while Pidge and Keith in their casual clothes. "And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you... Coran?" Allura asked, turning her had towards Coran.

"Seventy-five degrees," Coran said, staring at a timer like machine in his hand, "Oh, sorry. No, this is a meat thermometer." You sighed, face palming and standing next to Keith, you held the hem of the shirt in your hands. "However long it was, it was too long," Allura said, walking forward, "You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon. Look at you! Only Shiro is in uniform. Keith, Pidge, Hunk, where are your bayards? And where is Lance?" Then the doors open, you looked over your shoulder to see Lance in his blue pajamas with blue lion slippers and a cup in his hand. "Good morning, everybody. What's going on?" Lance asked, his face shiny and walking towards everybody.

"Coran and I have been up for hours getting the Castle back in order," Allura explained, standing in front of you and the males, "We had to run a test on the alarms, and we decided to test you as well. Guess which one failed." "Hey!" Hunk shouted, yawning and catching everyone's attention, "You got to sleep for 10,000 years, man. Monday night, I was on Earth. Now, I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird castle. That's a lot to process in, uh... I don't know. What is today?" "It's the third quintant of the Spicolian movement. Hump day!" Coran explained, a wide smile on his face.

"It's a lot to process," Hunk said, his shoulders slouching. "You must understand the stakes of our mission," Allura said, lifting her hand and a holographic screen showed up, "Over the last 10,000 years, the Castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations." A holographic universe engulfed the room, the blue circles turning into red. "So, we have to assume that Zarkon has conquered almost the entire known universe," Allura explained, turning the map and more blue showing, "Earth is here. An attack on your planet is inevitable." "Oh, no," you and Hunk mumbled, your eyebrows scrunched.

"Exactly," Allura stated, her eyebrows furrowed, "Our mission is to free all those planets. Coran and I are getting the Castle ready to leave Arus. During that time, you have to form Voltron, so we can begin fighting Voltron." "The Princess is right. Let's get to our lions and start training," Shiro said, everyone turning their attention towards him. "Wait. But I want to talk to the prisoners we rescued from the Galra ship," Pidge said, turning his head towards Shiro. "Negative, Number Six. I have you ranked by height, okay?" Coran said, gesturing to Pidge's height, "The prisoners need to remain in the cryo-replenishers until tomorrow."

"That's right. Now, get to your lions," Allura said, staring at everyone. "Wait!" Lance shouted, catching everyone's attention, "Aren't we going to talk about [Name] wearing Keith's clothes?" "No? Why would we?" Pidge asked, staring oddly at Lance. "I'm used it because I feel safe with Keith," you said, not seeing the faint blush on Keith's cheeks, "I'm used to it. Now, let's go!" They nodded their heads, you walked with Keith towards the pod tube, both of you stepping inside. The floor went down, you standing next to Keith and the floor stopped, you wrapped your arms around Keith and he jumped up to grab onto the hanging handles.

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