Fall of the Castle of Lions

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 "The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victoriouos!" King of Arusians said, you standing next to him with Allura standing next to you and a few Arsuians acting out the battle between Voltron and the robot, the Paladins on the lower level with the rest of the Arusians. The two Arusians playing as the robot threw the rock at the four Arusians who are playing as Voltron fell down. "No. I said, "Voltron was victorious!"" King of Arusians said again, the Arusians playing Voltron stood up and the robot Arusians fell down, the crowd of Arusians cheering.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for that amazing play," you said, catching the King of Arusian's attention then you looked to the ground, "It's sad that we must leave tomorrow, but we have to continue our battle with Zarkon." "And spread peace throughout the universe," Allura added, smiling at the Arusians. "Your Majesty, please accept this gift," you said, holding out a small remote device and he took it from your hands, "This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help." "Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance," Allura explained, you two smiling down at the king. "Hooarh!" King of Arusian shouted, holding up the device and festive music started playing as the Arusians cheered.

You giggled walking down the stairs, walking towards the three paladins, hearing Lance say. "I say 'Vol' and you say 'Tron.' Vol!" Lance said, holding a cup in his hand and you joined into the group, holding your hands behind your back. "Uh... Voltron?" Keith asked, his arms crossed. "No! No, no, no. The cheer includes the instructions. I say 'Vol' and you say..." Lance said, smirking proudly. "Voltron?" Keith asked again, leaning his head forward a little. "Guess you guys need to work on that," you giggled, smiling at the three males and you walked away from them.

"Lion Goddess! Lion Goddess!" You felt someone tug on your hands, you looked down to see a little Arusian girl and you crouched down, smiling at her. "Yes?" You ask, she giggled and blushed. "You're really pretty!" The little girl giggled, a wide smile on her face and she held out a flower to you. "Thank you, but I think you're prettier than me," you chuckled, taking the flower from the little girl and putting it into her horns, not noticing Keith and Hunk watch your interaction with her. "Thank you!" The little girl shouted, hugging your torso then running off. You giggled, standing up and you stood up, seeing Keith spit out a drink and Hunk shouted something about his eyes, both of them laughing.

"Idiots," you giggled, you notice Pidge walking around and looking around with his backpack on his shoulders. You watched Pidge dump food into his backpack then he sniffed something, you raised an eyebrow. You giggled, jogging over to Keith, seeing him chat with a Arusican and you stood next to him. "Lion Goddess!" The Arusican shouted, smiling at you and bowing his head. You waved at the Arusican, smiling at him and he blushed, squishing his cheeks and walking away. "You know, you do act like a princess," Keith said, smiling at you and your eyes widen, a blush covering your cheeks.

"Really? That never came to my mind," you said, scratching your cheek and Keith chuckled. "[Name], I want to talk to you about something," Keith said, looking down. "Really? About what?" You asked, smiling up at him and he turned his head to the side. "[Name], I-" Keith was cut off by Pidge calling yours and Keith's name. "Oh, tell me later, Keith," you said, smiling at him and walking towards Pidge, Keith sucked his teeth.

-time skip-

"Pidge, no," Shiro said, you standing next to Shiro and staring at Pidge with Allura, Hunk, and Keith standing behind Pidge. "The download from the Galra ship was enough to at least get me in the right direction to start my search. I have a pod all ready to go," Pidge explained, looking at Shiro. "You can't leave," Keith growled, walking to Pidge's side and Pidge turned his body to face Keith. "You can't tell me what to do!" Pidge barked, glaring at Keith. "If you leave, we can't form Voltron," Keith stated, scowling at Pidge, "And that means we can't defend the universe against Zarkon. You're not the only one with a family. All these Arusians have families. Everyone in the universe has families."

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