Tears of the Balmera

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 Your hands were tied behind your back, both you and Shiro awake with your heads downs and Lance still knocked out. "Haxus! I want whoever's in this ship found and terminated!" Sendak shouted, your eyes widen and you still kept your eyes on the ground. "Commander Sendak, I've received a transmission generating from somewhere inside," Haxus explained, at the holographic computer. "There's not much time before they get the ship running again. You must shut off the particle barrier so we can get in," Allura's voice echoed throughout the room. "You got it. Tell me what to do," you smiled, hearing Pidge's voice.

"The particle barrier generator in beneacth the main hull," Allura explained. "She's telling the intruder how to take down our defenses," Haxus explained, looking at Sendak over his shoulder. "Yes, but she's also giving away his location," Sendak said, looking up to the soldiers, "Find that room. Kill the paladin. Repair the engine. Emperor Zarkon has commanded us to bring him Voltron. This ship will rise before day's end." You and Shiro glanced at each other, hearing the steps of the soldiers becoming distant and you glanced at Lance, ceasing your eyebrows. "I hope Keith's okay," you whispered, closing your eyes and Shiro glanced at you.

"You love him, don't you, [Name]?" Shiro whispered, glancing at you and you nodded your head. "Yeah, he saved me from my ex sort of," you explained, smiling at Shiro and you raised an eyebrow, "Shiro, please tell me I'm not the only one that think Pidge is a girl." "Maybe?" Shiro asked, shrugging his shoulders and you rolled your eyes. "Yeah, Pidge is a girl," you confirmed, chuckling quietly to yourself, "I hope she's okay against the soldiers." "I'll do my best in protecting you if anything happens," Shiro said, smiling at you. "Same to you, Shiro," you whispered, flashing Shiro a weak smile, you both stopped talking as Haxus walked by and out the room.

"Powering sub panels," Haxus informed, in the engine room and you looked up. "Sub panel energy transducer is go," Sendak said, you hung your head and sat on your legs since you were on your knees. "Aye, sir. Opening pathway to link with bridge. Initializing main cluster reboot," Haxus informed, you let out a big sigh, "Initializing complete. I'm set for main power up." "The bridge is go," Sendak informed, his arms held behind his back. "Powering up," Haxus informed, you heard a beeping noise, "Sir, something is wrong." You heard Haxus grunting, his grunting turning into screaming and you lifted your head.

"You're the one causing all this trouble? A child?" You heard Haxus ask, your expression turning slightly happy with a small smile on your face. You heard a faint, "I'm not a child. I'm a Paladin of Voltron." "Pidge..." You whispered, smiling to yourself. "Let me tell you something, child. I'm a soldier of the Galra Empire. Nothing stops me, but triumph or death," Haxus said, you heard him yell, but nothing else from there, "Nowhere left to run. Nowhere left to hide." You heard Pidge, grunt then Haxus grunting and a gasp come from Haxus. "Rover!" Pidge shouted, you heard nothing else, "No!" You heard Haxus screaming, but his screaming became distant and you heard another no come from Pidge again.

"Haxus, report in," Sendak ordered, no reply from Haxus, but from someone else. "Haxus is gone, and you're next!" Pidge shouted, sounding threatening. "You've slowed me down, but this ship is mine," Sendak growled, "You will turn yourself over to me immediately!" "Never!" Pidge shouted and Sendak turned around, smirking at you and Shiro. "Well, then, maybe your leader and friend can convince you," Sendak said, standing next to you and Shiro. "What do you want?" Shiro growled, looking at Sendak from the side of his eye. "You friend wanted to hear from you," Sendak said, smirking and walking towards you and Shiro. "[Name]? Shiro?" Pidge asked.

"Pidge? Pidge, don't listen to-" You pushed Shiro with your body, Sendak's hand touched your shoulder and you screamed, getting zapped from the electricity. "[Name]!" Shiro yelled, watching you get zapped. "No!!" Pidged yelled, you continued to get electrocuted and screaming loudly. "You can make it stop. Turn yourself in," Sendak said, the electricity disappearing from his prosthetic, large hand, "Her suffering is in your hands." Sendak let go of you, you gasped and fell towards the ground, scrunching your face and your body twitching sometimes.

"I'm impressed that you manage to escape," Sendak said, looking at Shiro and you leaned against Shiro's shoulder, "Perhaps it would be worth the trip to your planet to see if the rest of your kind have your spirits. Of course, they will all end up broken, just like you." You panted, your eyes closed and you fell forward, hitting the ground. "Now that we have Voltron, every planet, every race, all share the same fate," Sendak said, he glanced to you and squinted his eyes, "You. You have a bond with a Phoenix. I wonder how it bonded with you."

With Keith and Allura

"It worked!" Keith shouted, watching the particle barrier go down and he smiled. "They did it!" Allura shouted, Keith ran towards the entrance. "I'll be there soon, [Name]," Keith whispered, picking up his pace.

With you and Shiro

"Pidge," you muttered, seeing Pidge stand in the door way and Pidge jumped to the side, dodging the prosthetic, large hand and Sendak launched himself towards the entrance, running off to get Pidge. Pidge ran out of the hiding place, running towards you and Shiro and crouching down. "Shiro, [Name], wake up. It's me, Pidge," Pidge said, you glanced up and watched Pidge get grabbed by the prosthetic hand and towards Sendak. "You really though your little hologram tick would work with me?" Sendak asked, glaring at Pidge and Sendak looked over his shoulder, Keith and Allura running into the room.

"[Name]!" Keith shouted, his bayard sword in his hand. "Stand back!" Sendak ordered, glaring at Allura and Keith, but he got shot. You glanced to see Lance leaning against the small platform's little wall with his bayard gun in his hand. Pidge fell out of Sendak's grip, Shiro glaring at Sendak and Lance sighed, letting out a groan. You sighed in relief, leaning against Lance and Lance leaned his head on your shoulder. Shiro stood up, his hands tied behind his back and running towards Sendak. Sendak pushed Shiro with his foot, Keith running towards Sendak going for a slash, but Sendak used his other arm to protect himself.

Keith kicked Sendak in his stomach, Sendak falling onto one knee and Keith raised the sword above him, swinging down. Sendak dodged the sword, grabbing Keith with his prosthetic arm and throwing him, still holding onto Keith. Pidge ran towards the purple electricity between Sendak's wrist and shoulder, slashing it. "No!" Sendak shouted, his prosthetic hand stuck on Keith and Sendak ran towards Pidge. Sendak pushed against Pidge's shield, pushing Pidge back and Pidge used his bayard's rope to wrap around Sendak's ankle and zapping Sendak. Keith ran towards Sendak, swinging upwards and letting out a yell, but Sendak grabbed the sword with his only hand.

"Keith, now!" Allura yelled, standing at the holographic computer. Keith kicked Sendak onto the platform with the crystals on it, a shield setting up and trapping Sendak inside. Keith stood up, Sendak punching the force field a couple of times then stopping and Sendak sighed.

Pidge cut the chains on yours and Shiro's wrists, using his bayards and you sighed in relief, Keith running towards Lance. You stood up, hugging yourself as you watch Keith hold out his hand for Lance. "Lance, are you okay?" Keith asked, crouching down and Lane held onto Keith's hand. "We did it. We are a good team," Lance grunted, turning his head towards Keith and smiling at him. Keith sent him a smile, you walked towards him and he looked up, you threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Are you hurt?" Keith asked, looking at you. "Just a little. Sort of got zapped by Sendak," you said, looking to the side. "Not sort of! You did!" Pidge shouted, catching yours and Keith's attention, you laughed a little.

-time skip-

"After a day in here, he should be fully healed," Allura explained, everyone staring at Lance as he's in the pod. "Pidge, we can't thank you enough for all you did," Shiro explained, everyone turning towards Pidge, "I can't help, but feel that you were meant to be part of our team... but I understand if you want to leave." "Dad used to tell me how close he was with his crew members," Pidge said, looking at you, Allura and the two males, "They were like family. Now, I understand what he was talking about. I'm staying with you guys. Let's stop Zarkon for all of our families." "Good to have you back on the team," Keith said, smiling at Pidge.

Sorry it's short!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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