The Bad Boy Calls Me Kitten

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The bad boy calls me kitten
Author: Hessiankills
Status: completed
Time: 3h 44m
Number of Reads: 12.9 million
Number of Votes: 448 thousand
Rating: 7.5/10
Number of Parts: 27

"You'll be fine?" I shrieked. "You just got freaking stabbed! You're letting out more blood than a girl on her period! You are not going to be fine! I am going to call the police. No wait, I have to call an ambulance! Oh my god, why didn't I think of that before? Stupid Genevi-"

"Stop talking!" He growled, turning away. I wrung my hands together in panic, trying to calm myself down. "I can take care of this, kitten. Leave me alone. It's just a small wound. Not like I haven't been stabbed before." He muttered the last part.


"Leave." He growled. I stared at him, unable to close my mouth. I have never seen someone get stabbed before. Heck, I had never seen someone get in a fight before. The only violence I had experienced was in movies. It was unfortunate for me that I found out how I would react in dangerous situations like this. And by react, I mean completely flip the hell out.



If anyone reads/ has read this book and wants to a mini review please do because it's been a while since I read it and I would love to know other people opinions and hopefully add them to this. Also if you want to recommend a book for me to add please do.
Thanks for reading.

- Mooncloud94

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