The Fight

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Me: Come on guys don't forget about the sunscreen and sunglasses.
Angie: Listen if I run it I won't need to do all of that.
Ada: Its to risky that's like saying Aniya can go out on a full moon without transforming.
Me: Yea its really hard to do it.
Angie: To late
She ran out of the bus, outside, and went into the museum.
Me: Wow she made it.
Ada: Nope she was smoking and not in a good way.
Me: Your turn.
Ada: Wait what.
I pushed her outside and she ran inside without smoking. Ashley and I just walked because we weren't vampires.
Me: Angie here take the water.
She poured it onto herself and she stopped smoking.
Me:Don't worry. It will be night when the trip is over.
In the distance we saw Justin and Carlos arguing.
Justin: Listen its not cool that you like Ada she's already my girlfriend. Find your own girl alright.
Carlos: Listen we both know why I need Ada but, let me explain it so your tiny bat brain can understand. I'm trying to have the Werewolves and Vampires combine so we won't be against each other and take down the humans.
Justin: She deserves to have someone who loves her. You want her for power or your idiotic pack.
Carlos: If I can't have her by asking I'll just take her😏.
Justin's eyes turned yellow as he jumped and pinned Carlos to the floor while hissing at him.
Carlos: Oh ho you just made a big mistake😡.
Carlos pushed Justin off of and transformed into his wolf form. Carlos growled and scratched his face. Justin jumped on top of him and stabbed his fangs into Carlos's neck. I transformed into my wolf form and threw Justin off of Carlos.
Justin: Why are you helping him
Carlos: Protecting a pack member duh.
Me: Carlos one word out of you and I'll kill you my self.
Carlos: Is that a challenge?
Me: Mabye it is. 
Justin: Uhh guys there are humans here.
Mabye you should de-transform.
Me: Fine
The both of us de-transformed. I growled at him and he did the same.
Me: We should catch up with the group anyway.
I walked towards Ada and Angie.
Ada: What happened back there.
Me: It was nothing😡.
Ada: Come on I know something was up for you to act like that.
Ada: Oh uh  s..sorry
Angie: What did you blow up in Ada's face like that!!  She was trying to help you!!
Me: Oh I'm sorry!I'm going through a lot of stuff and I'm trying to protect you and Ada from CARLOS!!
Ada: Guys calm down it's fine.
Angie: What do you mean protect us from Carlos!!
Ashley: Uhh Ada this isn't anger. Someone is using magic on them. I can sense it.
Ada: But how do we stop them.
Ashley: It should wear off magic used for more that a minute a can kill the user.
Soon Angie and I stopped fighting.
Ashley: What I tell yea.
Me: I'm sorry that I snapped at you Ada and Angie. I don't know what happened.
Angie: You know honestly I can remember either.
Me: Come on let's head to the Witch section.
Ashley: Wait really?!!?
Me: Yeah it has always been vampires and werewolves. Its time we checked out witches for a change.
Angie: Anything to make you happy Ash
Ashley teleported us to the witch exhibit and we saw a who looked like a male version of Ashley.
Ashley: Uhhh hey?? Sir are you ok.
??? : Huh oh yea I'm good. Im Ashton. But my friends call me Ash.
Ashley: Well that must be a coincidence my friend call me Ash because my name is Ashley. Weird question but, Are you a warlock.
Ashton: Yeah why do you ask.
Ashley: Because I'm a Witch. Wait your not from here are you.
Ashton: I'm not from this dimension actually.
Ashley: I knew it. Your from a dimension were me and my friends are genderbent
or a different gender from the original person.
Aniya: Wait so there are other versions of me, Ada, and, Angie.
Ashley: Yeah.
A boy walk through the door and said
??? : Yo Ash. Andrew and Adam are getting impatient. Get what you need and let's go.
Ashton: Hey Aaron, bring in the boys.
Aaron: Fine.
Two more guys with glasses walked through the door.

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