The Eyes

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Mrs.Coleman: I have one requests.
Ashley: What is it.
Mrs.Coleman: Give me the werewolf.
Ashley: I would never sell out my friend.
Mrs.Coleman: Are you sure. He looks pretty scared.
Ashley: Uhh Umm.........
Me: I'll go with you.
Ashley: What you can't do that.
Me: Yes I can. You deserve to be with the one you love. I don't have a love life so what do I have to lose.
Mrs.Coleman: So you have chosen who you what to save.
Ashley: I have chosen Ariel.
Mrs.Coleman: That's a surprise but, I'm a reasonable woman.
She untied Ariel and gave him to Ashley.
Mrs.Coleman: Now for my part of the deal.
I walked towards Mrs.Coleman.
Nayeli: Wait Mrs.Coleman. Please spare her life.
Me: Ha Angie you know owe 20 bucks.
Angie: Not now.
Mrs.Coleman: Why should I.
Nayeli: Well the werewolf has a life and friends.
Mrs.Coleman: I don't care that she has friends. Know what your right. You can go.
Me: Wait really.
Mrs.Coleman: Go before I change my mind.
Mrs.Coleman: Hello class. Today is no ordinary day. Tonight is The Blood Moon.
Me: No wonder I'm so hyped.
Mrs.Coleman: That's why I'm letting you all go home early. Class dismissed.
We all walked outside into the hall way when I fell to my knees.
Me: Ahhhhhhhh!!!
Angie: What happened!
Me: M-my arm.
She rolled up my sleeve and saw that the bite that Mrs.Coleman gave me started to glow.
Ashley: We need to get her to the lab, NOW!!
I've never heard Ashley so serous before. Angie carried me to the science lab and placed me on a table. All I could hear was Mrs.Coleman's voice in my head.
Mrs.Coleman: *Echo* Give into your Alpha........
Me: N-no, get out of my h-head.
Angie: Who are you talking to Wolfie.
Mrs:Coleman: *Echo* Trust in me.....
Me: P-please l-leave me alone.
Ashley: Angie try to get Aniya to tell you what's happening in her head. I need more time to figure out what kind of creature Mrs.Coleman is to inflict this bite.
Angie: I'll try Ash. Hey Wolfie, please tell me who your talking to.
Me: I-its her.
Angie: Who.
Me: C-Coleman.
Angie: Oh no.
Ashton: You call Ashley.
Ashley: Yeah, I need help with this bite.
Ashton: If you can't figure it out how will I be able to do it.
Angie: She means to work together to figure it out.
Ashton: Right let's check it out.
Andrew: How is she.
Angie: Not good she's been growling for a while.
Ada: Hey Ash is there anything Adam and I can do to help.
Ashley: Sorry but, not now.
Adam: Hey I recognize those bite marks.
Ashton: Really what are they.
Adam: I mean you said you didn't need help so we'll be going.
Ashton: Come on man please tell me.
Adam: Alright those are marks from a demon.
Ashton: Wait how did you know.
Adam: Well Ada and I studied the supernatural in a class for Mrs.Coleman.
Ashley: Oh right I didn't studie for that test but, I did pass the witch part of the test.
Angie: Um guys we have a problem.
Ashley: What happened?
Angie: Her eyes are yellow.
[Angie's POV]
Ashley Ada and the rest of the boys walked towards Aniya on the table.
Ashley: What happened?
Me: Her eyes.
Ashley: Are they Purple?
Me: No there yellow.
Ashley: That's a new one. Ada Adam do you know anything about this?
Ada: Nope this is new to us to. No book has ever had enough info about werewolves.
Ashley: I hope this doesn't mean anything bad.
Me: Shhh she's walking up.
Aniya: Hey stop looking at me like I'm a dead body.
Ashley: Do you feel any different?
Aniya: I feel fine ,now let me get up.
Ashley: Alright.
We backed up so she could get up.
Ashley: So did you see your eyes yet?
Aniya: No why.
Ashley: Their yellow, do you know what that means?
Aniya: Nope maybe it's a blood moon thing.
Ashley: I hope so.
Aniya: So how are we gonna spend this years blood moon.
Adam: In the basement.
Aniya: Wait why do we have to that I hope your joking.
Adam: Nope I'm serious , we don't wanna hurt anyone.
Aniya: I know but, we can control ourselves.
Adam: Listen other werewolves and vampires will come out tonight and most of them will find us as a threat.
Aniya: We can take care of our selves.

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