The Memory

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Me: So are you just gonna leave me here I don't like being chained up like animal.
Mrs.Coleman: You are an animal.
Me: Half animal.
Mrs.Coleman: Anyways. Your not alone in this room. Your friend is here to.
Mrs.Coleman: What??
Me: You said you have my friend.
Mrs.Coleman: That's just what people say to people who have enemies.
Me: Oh so who is it.
Kasiy: It's me idiot.
I turned my head and saw a pink and white wolf which means it was Kaisy.
Me: At least I have a roommate.
Mrs.Coleman: So I hope you both get along and don't kill each other because soon, you will share the same cage sense I want to see how you react to each other.
[2 weeks later]
Mrs.Coleman: It's time to move you both into a new cage. Violet , Alan grab the chains.
Me: Oh come on I've been through enough I'll just walk.
Kaisy: Yeah like you've been captured before.
Me: I have been captured before. About 14 times.
Mrs.Coleman: Violet take of the end of her chain and put it on the new chain in the larger cage.
Violet: Yes Alpha.
Violet grabbed the chain and pulled me towards the larger cage. After i was chained up in the cage Alan walked up Kaisy and grabbed her chain instead of walking without any conflict she scratched his face and tried to run.
Mrs.Coleman chanted a spell and glowing green chains around her and she couldn't move.
Mrs.Coleman: Nice try but, I can't be out smarted by a werewolf. Now, Alan put her with the other wolf.
Alan: Yes Alpha.
Alan threw her into the same cage I was in and Mrs.Coleman released the chains that were on Kaisy.
Me: Hehehe
Kaisy: What are you laughing at.
Me: Well I remember when you were still getting used to being a werewolf. Any thing and everything got you mad.
Kaisy: Well you're the reason why I'm a monster.
Me: I was getting used to being a werewolf too and it was an accident. You threatened to kill me and I thought you were serious.
Kaisy: Your lucky that I have to keep our secret.
Me: Heh. Hey do you remember when you were human.
Kaisy: Yeah it was nice. If you think about it we are humans but, with a twist.
Me: Did you just say that because I said that when Nayeli was trying to reveal my secret.
Kaisy: Maybe.
Mrs.Coleman, Violet, and Alan walked out of the room
 After they left I heard someone coming towards us.
Nayeli: Hey guys.
Kaisy and I started to growl.
Me: What do you want. I'm already in a cage. I know you want to kill me here and now.
Nayeli: It's a long story but, the short answer is someone really powerful is coming.
Me: Why are you telling us this.
Nayeli: I figured that the Alpha should know.
Me: The thing is I'm not an Alpha. I'm not even in a pack.
Nayeli: Don't doubt yourself. Hurry up and get out of that cage.
Me: We can't even transform back into our human form.
Nayeli: I can get you out. KEVIN IS SHIRTLESS!!!
Angie and Ada came threw the door and Angie had a camera.
Angie: WHERE IS HE!!!!
Nayeli: Can you call Ashley for me.
Nayeli: I'm sorry for that but, Mrs.Coleman is probably coming back here. Can we set aside our differences for this one day??
Angie: Fine.
Angie places a jar of peanut butter on the floor and Ashley teleported to us.
Ashley: Yo guys, what do you need.
Angie: Do you have a spell for opening cages??
Ashley: I have spell for everything remember.
Ashley chanted a spell and the doors and chains disappeared.
Kaisy and I transformed back into our human form.
Kaisy: I hope I never see any of you every again.
Ashley: Nice to see you too Kaisy.
Kaisy left the room and the we all turned to Nayeli.
Me: So explain who you were talking about.
Nayeli: Well it's hard to explain but, they made clones of you.
Me: So that's why you grabbed our hair and blood. Angie I won the bet. Hand over my money.
Angie: Later I don't have any on me right now.
Me: That's what they all say.
Mrs.Coleman busted through the door.
Mrs.Coleman: I knew this would happen.
Violet get the bait.
Violet brought in Ashley's boyfriend Ariel ,in a chained up chair.
Ashley: ARIEL!!!
Mrs.Coleman: Don't move or he dies. 

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