The Shadow

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It was Carlos. He was snarling and when he saw me and Aaron stopped snarling.
Carlos: So who's this. And who do you gave a collar and chain on. Your not a dog. 
Me: None of your business.
Carlos: Wait are you two dating.
Aaron: Uhh😳😳.
Me:😳Shut up or we'll have more problems.
Carlos: What are you two doing here still? The school left already.
Aaron: If they left than why are you still here.
Carlos: That's none of your business pretty boy. Answer the question!!
My: We're leaving.
Angie and everyone else ran up to us and the vamps were hissing at him.
Carlos: I'll get my fight soon enough. I'll leave I can tell I'm not wanted.
He left the museum but, before he got to the door he threw a rock at my arm that was wrapped up. He de-transformed and ran away.
Me: Ahhh
Angie: You ok.
Me: Do I look ok.
Ada: Well your sorta bleeding. How hard did he throw it.
Me: Ash get the banages.
Ashley&Ashton: Got it.
A mountain of bandages poofed in front of me.
Me: I ment the female Ash.
Ashton: Sorry
Me: Ok so if a female says Ash than that means Ashley. If a male says Ash that means Ashton. You got it.
Ashton&Ashley: Yeah.
Angie wrapped my arm because I was still in wolf form and then grabbed the chain.
Angie: Alright done bleeding.
Me: Shut up and let's go
We all walked up to Tatyanna, Kaisy, and Tiara.
Angie: So what happened.
Kaisy: She was rude to us because I spilled her stupid soda. Now she want to fight.
Tiara: Why you lying. You want to fight me because I gave her the wrong drink after she asked me for a cola but,  I gave her Pepsi.
Angie: Well, first thing wrong with this situation is that you didn't ask for Bepsi.
I couldn't talk so Angie looked at me and saw my head tilted.
Angie: Why do you look confused, Bepsi is the best.
I just shook my head and sniffed the two of them. I gagged a little. Angie and I knew Tiara was lying.
Angie: So why are you lying to me.
Tiara: What do mean! She is the liar!
Angie: Stop acting hostile I have a very tall corgi I can make her attack you.
I growled at Tiara. She stepped back and was shaking, we decided to spooked a lot more so Angie let go of my chain and I slowly walked towards Tiara.
Angie: Wolfie, Attack
I barked and ran at Tiara at full speed but,  I stopped and turned around and let Tatyanna pet me. Kaisy was about to pet me but, I ran back to Angie.
Angie: Good job Wolfie.
Me: Hmph
Angie: Fine we can leave now.
We all walked outside I almost ran but the chain stopped me.
Me: Oooowwww. That hurt
Angie: Aw is the wolf in pain.
Me: Stop that's weird. Heh you sound like your under a spell.
I look up at her and I was right.
Me: Oh boy. So who is it this time.
A shadow figure walked up to Angie ran her fingers through her hair.
Me: Uh soo what did you do to everyone else obviously you want sonething.
??? : I don't want anything except for well a small thing.
Me: Ugh what is it.
??? : You and your pack.
Me: Uh problem i don't have a pack I'm the Omega not the Alpha.
??? : Than what is all of this.
She pointed to everyone who was frozen in time and said.
??? : Yeah this looks like a pack to me.
Me: Uh why.
??? : Simple if I have the Alpha the rest will follow.
Me: For the last time I'm not an Alpha.
??? : I'd watch your tone. Remember your the one with a collar on your neck. Ugh its hard to talk to you when your in wolf form. De-transform please.
Me: No why should I.
??? : Because your on a chain and I control Angie. I can have her choke you so you can de-transform by force.
Me: I don't buy it. Your bluffing.
???: Oh you think I'm playing.
She snapped her fingers and Angie grabbed me by my fur and threw into a tree. She ran up to me, grabbed the chain, and put it around my neck. She pulled it tighter and I had to de-transform.
Me: Great one I have to bandage both of my arms. Also,OOOOWWWWW!!
???: I tried to ask you. Oh and one more thing.
She walked up to me bit my arm.
???: Just so I can control you if I need to. Yeah it just gonna look like an animal scratched you in a day or two.
I'll be going now.

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