The New Comers

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Andrew: Ashton what's taking so....
Adam: Who are these people.
Aaron: Yeah and do anyone of you want my number.
Me: Yup I can see how that's me.
Ada: Hey Adam are you by any chance does you teacher call you out and always think you have the answer.
Adam: Yeah how'd you know. Oh right female version of me.
Andrew: Soooooo are you a BTS fan Angie.
Andrew: I know but, Aaron thinks their music is trash.
Angie: Same thing with Aniya.
Aaron: Sooo you the cool one
Aniya: No duh I'm the cool one.
Ashton: Now that we got to know each other. How are we gonna get out of this dimension.
Adam: Well all we have to do is build a teleporting device, but it will take a few weeks.
Aaron: Witch means we have to go to school in this dimension.
Andrew: This will be interesting.
Ashton: Yeah. I can't wait to see how Mrs. Tchinnis will react when she has two Ada's.
Ada: I hope its not that bad.
Me: Uhh Ashton Remember the teachers are Mr. Tchinnis, Mrs. Hewitt, and Mrs. Coleman.
Ashton: Right I forgot.
Me: Wait what time is it Ada.
Ada: 12:00 am.
Me: We were talking that long that the trip is over and the bus is coming.
Andrew: Aaron were have to get you and Aniya out and far from civilization.
Aaron: Right. Come on guys we got to go.
Angie: Uhh why we can just get on the bus and go home.
Adam: One problem we don't want two red and black wolf on the bus. And if they hold it in Their eyes will be red,  their black ears and tail will show, and their teeth will be very sharp. Look at them now their eyes are turning into there wolf eyes color red.
Aaron: And yeah I don't wanna be a wolf on the bus.
Ashley: I guess we're following you guys
Adam put a red collar on Aaron and attached a chain to his collar.
Me: Uhhh what are you doing.
Aaron: This is what Adam does to me so I don't kill anyone or anything. I don't know why he does it. I have never killed a thing in wolf form.
Adam: That doesn't mean you won't do it. Anyways you girls coming.
Me: Yea as long as I don't need a collar.
Adam: You have to have a collar and chain so you can come into our hide out
Me: Well...  I guess I can wear the collar.
Angie: But you don't have to do it we can always meet them at school.
Me: I know what I have to do.
I hand Angie the collar and chain. She didn't look happy.
Angie: This might hurt.
Me: I have dealt with Angie.
She out the collar on and it hurt a little bit.
Angie: Come on Wolfie.
Me: This is what I was afraid of😒.
She yanked the chain and I fell.
Me: Ow😒😒
Angie: I said come on.
Me and Aaron transformed into our wolf form. He was alot bigger.
Aaron: Let's just get this over. I hate collars.
Me: Tell me about it.
Angie: Fine when we get outside we can go on a run.
Me: Alright.
Adam: All you have to do is act like really big dogs so we don't get in trouble.
Aaron: I think both of us can do that but, what about our bandages on our arm. From the cuts and bites we can't just take them off.
Ada: We'll make it up if they ask.
Me: Can we go know the front door is down the hall.
Angie: Alright let's head outside.
We all walked down the hall to leave when we three females arguing they looked familiar. It was Tiara, Tatyanna, and Kaisy.
Tatyanna: Listen we don't want trouble we just want to get home.
Tiara: Apparently you want trouble cuz your friend here decided to spill my drink. And to my surprise your the two who also have a crush on Kevin. News Flash: He will never love you two shorty's.
Kaisy: Oh you took it to far. At least we have friends who like us not because pay them. So back up and and wash your clothes they stink like you.
I turned to Angie.
Me: Uhh should we stop this or see what will happen.
Angie: I think we should sit back and see if Tatyanna will brake.
It wasn't long till Tatyanna broke she bared her teeth and attacked Tiara. Turns out she's all mouth. She didn't even put up a fight. Aaron and I look at each other and sighed. We ran up to them when another wolf ran in front of us.

Don't Keep Secrets: The Secret Tribe حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن