The Saviour

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???: You are now Called Anti-Aniya or Anti for short.
???: You. Opposite version Angie . Your name is Dark-Angie or Dark for short.
???: Opposite version of Ada. You are Demon-Ada or Demon.
Anti: So all we have to do is bring or original versions to you? That seems simple.
???: Remember they have the same power as you except, you all have different special powers. Anti you can turn humans into werewolf. Dark you can control anyone to do your bidding.
Demon you can summon demons to help you.
Dark: Now what do we wear we cant just walking wearing the same thing as them.
???: Don't worry theirs leather jackets and Red, Blue,and Purple shirts so you won't stand out. Now get dressed and get to school.
(Aniyas POV)
Ada: So yeah I heard that were going to get new classmates.
Me: What's their names?
Ada: No knows yet.
Angie: That's creepy.
Me: Hey guys I hear people coming to the room.
Three females walked through the door. They all were wearing leather jackets and jeans except for the one who looked like me she was wearing sweatpants.
Angie: Well that was unexpected.
Me: Yeah. Wait shouldn't you be going to Mrs.Coleman's class.
Angie: Nope I transferred to your class.
Me: Sweet. Here you can sit next to me.
Mr. Tchinnis: So your the new students.
Anti: Yeah. You must be Mr. Tchinnis.
Mr. Tchinnis: Indeed I am. Class these are the new students. Please make them feel welcomed. So we are going to rearrange the seats so, our new students will have some friends.
He pointed at Angie, Ada, and I to move us.
Angie: Uhh do we have to move.
Mr. Tchinnis: MOVE NOW.
Angie: Alright no need to yell.
Mr. Tchinnis: Alright chose who to want to sit next to.
Anti and her gang sat next to their original versions.
Mr. Tchinnis: Alright girls now you can sit down.
Me: Yeah after we were separated.
Mr. Tchinnis: Another word and it's detention for you.
(During Math)
Anti: Sup
Me: What do you what.
Anti: I was just sayin' hi.
Me: Yeah and you said hi.
Anti:Well your upset.
Me: Yuh think.
Anti:You want your friends over here dontcha.
Me:Is it that obvious.
Anti:Yeah you look like a sad puppy.
Me:No I don't.
Anti:Yeah you do.
Me:So Mabye I do, what are you gonna do to help.
Anti:Well I can't do anything I was just pointing stuff out.
Me:So what's your name anyways.
Anti:That's not important. What's important is that it's time for lunch.
Me:Wait really.
Mr.Tchinnis: Ok class you guys can head out to lunch. Your next class is science.
The girls and I ran were running to the Cafeteria when we saw something surprising.
Alan: So, your the werewolf finding freak huh Nayeli.
Nayeli: What are you talking about just let me go.
Alan: Why should I. You are trying to uncover werewolves. Just leave them so they can hide from humans.
Nayeli: When did you start caring about nature.
Alan: Cuz Imma werewolf you idiot.
Nayeli: W..what get away from me you monster.
Alan: Yeah that's right. I am a monster. A monster that is going to kill you.
He transformed into his wolf form and slowly walked towards her.
Nayeli: Stay away from me. Please don't kill me.
I transformed into my wolf form and tackled Alan. He scratched my bandages and got up.
Alan: Who are you.
Me: You don't need to know who I am why are you attacking a human.
Alan: She's a hunter.
Me: Run away before I get my pack to kill you.
Alan: I'll find one day.
He transformed into a human and went to the Cafeteria. I turned around to Nayeli.
Nayeli: Why did you save me I'm a hunter.
Me: No your the daughter of hunter. You dont have to follow in tour parents footsteps.
I turned around starting to walk away but, I fell.
Nayeli: Are you ok?
Me: I'm fine.
Nayeli: No your not let me at least wrap your paws back up.
Me: Fine.
She wrapped my arms back up. And I chuckled.
Nayeli: What's so funny.
Me: Well you claim to be a hunter and your healing me.
Nayeli: Well you were hurt. It's the least I could do.
Me: Heh if all hunters were like you my kind would be accepted.
Nayeli: What's your name anyway. You obviously have a pack.
Me: Yeah I sorta have a pack. And you might actually know me in my human form.

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