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Why is it made into such a big deal

When you're still a kid

You have your whole life ahead of you

It's not like you're off the grid

Most people don't settle until they're twenty

So why do I feel the need

Is it because of the influences

Combined with my greed

I'm not going to act like I think I'm perfect

Nobody is perfect the way they are

Not because they're horrible beings

But because improvement is always the star

I'm not saying to dwell on imperfection

I'm saying to dwell on improving yourself

Doesn't matter who you were

Put your past on the shelf

Live in the present, which I know is always said

Don't look back and take a leap of faith

In a world where you feel alone

Just know I'll help you be brave

Sup, Strangers! It's weird when you only have like seven views but you're marked high on a lot of ranks. On almost every one of the things I was ranked on, I'm above 50%! How does that even happen? I'm confused.

PoemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt