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Why is it always a boy who

Gives me a problem

I have no clue

It causes me problems always

Especially if I don't like him back

It's got me trapped in a daze

They say the third time's the charm

But this third time I've made enemies

This third time I've been harmed

Popularity seems to rest on who I crush on

Sixth grade, a semi popular guy liked me

To like him back was wrong

He did something bad to me

I basically hated him for the year

Then everyone was mad at me

In eighth grade it happened again

A popular guy had a crush on me

The thought of him used to make me grin

Then he never talked to me and

I stopped liking him 'cause of that

I built my house again on sand

Then for the first time ever in my life

I rejected a guy that I didn't really like

Though this time it caused me the most strife

All my friends are distant since then

He managed to turn them away

I wish these boys would turn into men

For the first two boys I was popular until

I turned them down for my own reasons

Their friends, oh if looks would kill,

They'd probably go to jail

For murdering me with dirty looks

Oh my gosh, what stupid males

Poemsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें